    摘要:    随着我国铁路既有线路提速改造、客运专线和高速铁路新线路的建设,列车运行速度的不断提高,仅仅依靠轨道电路将列车控制信息从地面传送至车载设备的方式,在信息量方面难以满足要求。如何将大量的固定信息和可变信息,如位置、等级转换、建立无线通信等信息,线路速度、线路坡度、轨道电路、临时限速等线路参数信息。传递给车载列车控制设备是实现列车安全运行和自动控制的基本要求,点式应答器设备为此提供了良好的解决方案。铁路通信系统是保障列车运行效率和安全的重要组成部分。其中应答器作为ATP的关键性组件,用于高速列车在特定的地点实现与一地之间的数据传输,为列车提供为确保列车在高速运行的状态下的安全,而ATP所需要的各种点式信息。本课题是设计一个车载应答器系统,此系统设计基于单片机,而选择的无线设备是点对点的传输方式,以无线发射和接收设备,通过发射端的信号发射和天线接收端的接收来进行模拟。由PIC16F690单片机和CC1100无线收发芯片,组成一套相应的收发系统。由PIC16F690单片机对从电脑串口中输出的数据信号进行调制处理,再通过CC1100芯片,经天线,将信号发射给接收端,接收端收到信号后,再进行动作和反馈,以此实现无线收发设备发送和接收信号的完整过程,以此来达到模拟车载应答器系统的工作过程。36871
    毕业论文关键词:    射频技术;PIC16F690;列车;CC1100;应答器
    Design of vehicle transponder based on single chip microcomputer
    Abstract: Along with our country existing railway speed raising reconstruction, construction of a new passenger line and high-speed railway line, the continuous improvement of train speed, relying solely on track circuit will train control information from and transmitted to the on-board equipment, in the amount of information difficult to meet the requirements of the.How much information can be fixed and variable information, such as location, level conversion, establishing a wireless communication and information, the line speed, the slope of the line, track circuit, and temporary speed limit line parameter information. The control equipment of the train is the basic request of the train safety operation and the automatic control. The point type transponder equipment provides a good solution for this.    Railway communicating system is the key part of guarantying efficiency and security. Balise is the key component of ATP which is being used to realize the data transfer between different high-way stations and to provide various information points for the trains to ensure the safety of train running at a high speed. This topic is to design a microcontroller-based automotive balise. The wireless device I have chosen is point-to-point way which can realize the stimulation through the signal emission from the transmitter and signal receiving form antenna receiver. Transmit the chip through microcontroller PIC16F690 and wireless transceiver CC1100 which consists of a simple transceiver system. Export the data from the computer, and then process the signal through the microcontroller PIC16F690, next transmit the signal to the receiving end via the antenna through the chip CC1100, and then process the action and feedback to realize the whole process and to achieve the stimulation of working as vehicle balise.
    KeyWords:    RFID; Balies; SCM; Train;CC1100
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 发展现状    3
    1.1.1 国外发展状况    3
    1.1.2 国内发展状况    4
    1.1.3 发展趋势    4
      1.2 课题基本内容    5
    2 无线数据传输原理概述    7
    2.1 无线数据传输编码原理    8
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