    摘    要 现如今,随着经济的发展与科学技术的不断进步,自动控制系统也随之有了非常广泛的应用。直流电动机作为最早被发明和应用的电机也越来越受到大家的关注。 直流电动机具有非常优越的调速性能,启停方面也明显优于其他类型的电机。在航天、工业等领域直流电动机都得到了极为广泛应用。传统的直流电动机调速方法很多。常见的有调压调速、弱磁调速等。但是它们调速响应太慢、调速精度太差、调速装置太复杂已经不能满足现在的日常生产生活要求了。随着电力电子技术的发展,直流电机脉宽调制技术也因之而在控制领域大放异彩。PWM 调速技术可以克服传统直流电动机调速方式在响应、电路结构、调速精准、能耗等方面的不足,故而渐渐成为直流调速技术方面的主流调速方式。 论文主要介绍以 STC89C52 单片机为核心的直流电动机调速系统。STC89C52 单片机产生 PWM 信号,PWM 信号经过处理,再由直流电动机驱动模块进行放大、解译、处理变成目标电压,从而改变直流电动机的两端电压,从而实现控制直流电机的目的。论文将就单片机的特点及应用进行一般性探讨,具体说明脉宽调制技术的工作原理和借用单片机的定时器的实现方法。本系统设计了四个操作按键分别用于控制直流电动机的启动、正转、反转、提速、降速及停止。这四个独立按键的实时扫描、键盘去抖也将在论文中有所介绍。程序设计方面,有键盘扫描、信号发生,定时器 0 设置以及主程序。  37760
    毕业论文关键词   单片机   直流电动机   脉宽调制 PWM   直流电动机驱动模块
    Abstract   Nowadays, with the development of economy and the progress of science and technology, automatic control system has been widely used. DC motor as the first motor invention and application is more and more attention. The DC motor has a very superior speed governing performance,and the starting and stopping aspect is also significantly better than other types of motor. DC motors are widely used in the aerospace industry and other fields. There are many traditional speed adjustment methods for DC motor.   The common DC motor speed adjustment method has the adjustable pressure and the weak magnetic speed regulation. But their reaction is too slow. Their accuracy is too low. Their speed adjustment device is too complicated. This can't meet production requirements. With the development of power electronic technology, DC motor pulse width modulation technology is very good in control field. PWM speed control technology can solve many problems of traditional DC motor speed control mode. Gradually, it becomes the main method of DC speed control technology. This paper mainly introduces the speed control system of DC motor based on STC89C52. STC89C52 production PWM signal. PWM signal is processed. The signal is amplified, interpreted and processed into the target voltage  by the DC motor driver module. Control voltage can control DC motor. This thesis will discuss the features and application of STC89C52 in general. In this paper, the working principle of PWM technology is described in detail. This paper will specify how to  write a concrete program. This system has four independent keys. The speed and direction of the DC motor are controlled by the four operation keys. In this paper, the key scan and how to eliminate the jitter of the keyboard is briefly described. In the design of the program, this design contains the keyboard scan, the signal generation, timer 0 settings and the main program. 
    Key words:   SCM   DC motor  PWM   DC motor drive module
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