    摘  要:柴油机的发展历史已经有一百多年了,已经给人类的生产和生活带来了很大的便利,并且为人们的发展提供了很大的动力。当发动机水温高的时候,水泵泵水反复循环借此来降低发动机温度,达到保护发动机的目的,冬天水温如果过低,这个时候就会停止水的循环以防止水箱冻,但又会导致水箱缺水。所以我们可以研究水箱在低于设定温度下的自动排水系统、发动机工作状态水箱缺水状态下自动报警系统、水箱缺水状态下发动机无法启动装置。该系统主要是为了防止一些马虎的司机在柴油机水箱温度较低或者缺水时而仍然启动,从而损坏发动机而设计的。本设计主要用AT89C51单片机作为控制核心,首先通过温度和水位传感器采集信号,并把信号传输给主机AT89C51,再由主机把信号传送到报警电路、执行模块,通过执行模块来实现排水。最终利用了温度传感器、水位传感器、继电器、电动机等,结合电路组装成系统,从而实现柴油机水箱防冻裂及缺水报警。38195
    Small diesel engine water tank and water splitting antifreeze alarm system
    Abstract: The history of the diesel engine has been a hundred years, has brought great convenience to the production of human life and for people's development has provided a lot of motivation. When the engine water temperature is high, the water pump pumps water repeated cycles take to reduce the engine temperature, the purpose to protect the engine in winter, if the water temperature is too low, the time will stop water circulation to prevent frozen water tank, but the tank will lead to lack of water. So we can study the tank below the set temperature in automatic drainage system, the engine operating condition state water tank alarm system, water tank under the state apparatus can not start the engine. This system is mainly to prevent some careless drivers diesel tank at a lower temperature or water sometimes still starts, damaging the engine and design. The design is mainly used AT89C51 microcontroller as the control, the first acquisition by the temperature and water level sensor signal, and the signal transmitted to the host AT89C51, then the signal is transmitted from the host to the alarm circuit, execution module, the module is achieved through the implementation of water supply and drainage. End-use of the temperature sensors, level sensors, relays, motors, combine circuit assembled into systems, enabling diesel tank and anti-cracking water alarm.
    Keywords: Drainage; Alarm; Control;
    目    录
    摘要    1
    引言    2
    1.绪论    2
    1.1选题背景和意义    2
    1.2国内外现状及存在问题    3
    2.系统整体方案设计    4
    2.1总体设计    4
    2.2系统基本工作过程    4
    3.系统的硬件设计    5
    3.1控制模块设计    5
    3.2温度采集模块    5
    3.3水位采集模块    6
    3.4报警模块    7
    3.5外部中断模块    8
    3.6执行模块    8
    4.系统的软件设计    9
    4.1主程序设计流程图    9
    4.2温度控制程序流程图    10
    4.3水位监测程序流程图    11
    4.4报警程序流程图    12
    4.5外部中断程序流程图    13
    5.系统的调试与实现    14
    5.1系统的调试    14
    5.2遇到的问题和解决方案    16
    6.总结    16
    参考文献    16
    致谢    18
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