    整个系统分可以分为五个部分:主控模块、红外监测模块、图像采集模块、网络传输模块以及语音提示模块。在红外探测器检测出有外来人员靠近报警区域时,便对微处理器传输信息,使微处理器驱动语音提示模块,如果在一段时间内,没有获取到正确的键盘输入信息,随即启动图像采集模块,并将信息由 Zigbee 无线网络传送给PC。
    毕业论文关键词:物联网  热释电红外传感器  Zigbee  单片机MSP430
    Abstract   The anti-theft alarm system incorporates infrared detection networking technology, can greatly improve the monitoring of performance, and improve its capabilities.The design by the use of ZigBee technology enables wireless networking worldwide have a consistent standard, low price, minimal power consumption.The paper gives a more in-depth study in ZigBee technology used for the alarm system in this important area .
       This article is now in development for the global networking of countries for a certain amount of explanation, and a more detailed analysis of the topology and performance characteristics of zigbee.Following the introduction of the red pyroelectric infrared sensor works, and selected suitable for the detection of the human body detection element RE200B, use ISD1820P build voice recorder module features voice prompts, using CMOS-type C328 chip constituting the image acquisition module.
       The entire system can be pided into five parts: the main control module, infrared monitoring module, image acquisition module, network transmission module and a voice prompt module.
       In the infrared detector has detected foreign workers near the warning area that would transmit information to the microprocessor, the microprocessor-driven voice prompt module, if a period of time, does not get to the right keyboard input information, then start the image acquisition module, and the information has Zigbee wireless network information is transmitted to the PC.
    Keywords: Internet of Things technology   Pyroelectric infrared sensor   Zigbee   SCM MSP430
    目 录
    摘  要    I
    Abstract    II
    1 绪论    1
    1.1行业背景    1
    1.2行业现状    1
    1.3 发展趋势    2
    2 核心技术介绍    3
    2.1物联网发展现状    3
    2.2 ZigBee网络体系结构    3
    2.3 ZigBee网络拓扑结构    4
    2.4 ZigBee特点    7
    3 报警系统硬件设计    8
    3.1系统概要设计    8
    3.2主控模块    8
    3.2.1单片机控制模块    8
    3.2.2 供电模块    12
    3.2.3 键盘模块    13
    3.3红外监测模块    14
    3.3.1红外辐射基本理论    14
    3.3.2热释电红外传感器工作原理    14
    3.4 语音提示模块    17
    3.4.1 ISD1820P芯片介绍    18
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