    摘 要本论文提出了对于抗生素冻干系统进行控制的要求,全文先围绕可编程控制技术的现状和发展趋势、抗生素冻干基本原理、国内国外抗生素冻干装置概况及发展趋势、抗生素冻干技术及理论的研究及发展趋势、抗生素冻干装置介绍、PLC技术介绍、抗生素冻干装置控制总体设计、硬件设计、软件设计、通信方式这些方面展开介绍。通过运用PLC对抗生素冻干装置进行控制,可在一定程度上达到自动化的目的,完成所需的智能控制、故障报警及状态显示等一系列任务,并实现操作者与人机界面更好交流,实现PLC与PC连接,便于修改参数及高效运行设备。重点在于选择PLC、确定I/O点、设计连接方式来对抗生素冻干装置进行控制,使之具有冻干真空控制,故障报警的功能。难点在于采用何种方式使得PLC直接方便与上位机(PC)进行通讯。最终选择的方法是采用硬件选型与AUTOCAD的绘制以及在软件方面的选择和完成,主要是在软件的PLC程序编写上进行不断优化和改进,最终达到控制抗生素冻干的目的。38624
    Design of control system for antibiotic freeze drying device
    This paper presents requirements about the freeze-dried antibiotic control system. In this article, I am firstly surrounding the status and the developments trend of programming control technology, the basic principles of antibiotic freeze-drying, the status and development trend of antibiotic freeze-drying devices in domestic and foreign, antibiotics freezing technology and theory research and development trend of antibiotics, freeze drying device,  PLC technology is introduced, these antibiotics freeze drying device control overall design, hardware design, software design, communication mode expansion is presented. By using PLC of freeze-dried antibiotic device control can achieve automation in a certain extent, complete the intelligent control, fault alarm and display a series of tasks and achieve operator and man-machine interface to communicate better, between PLC and PC connection, easy to modify parameters and efficient operation of equipment. Focuses on PLC, determine the I / O design, connection to antibiotics freeze drying device control, with vacuum control and fault alarm function. The difficulty is that the way of making the PLC direct communication with the upper computer (PC). The final choice of the method is the selection of hardware and AutoCAD drawing and choice in terms of software and complete, mainly in the software of PLC programs written for continuous optimization and improvement, and ultimately achieve the purpose of control of freeze-dried antibiotic. The final choice of the method is the selection of hardware and AutoCAD drawing and choice in terms of software and complete, mainly in the software of PLC programs written for continuous optimization and improvement, and ultimately achieve the purpose of control of freeze-dried antibiotic
    KeyWords : antibiotic; freeze-drying; control system ;PLC
    目 录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 抗生素的冻干机原理    1
    1.1.1 冻干的基本原理    1
    1.1.2冻干燥机的简介    2
    1.1.3国内和国外抗生素冻干装置概况及发展趋势    2
    1.2真空冷冻干燥设备简介    2
    1.2.1真空系统原理    2
    1.2.2真空冷冻干燥原理    3
    1.2.3真空冷冻干燥设备    4
    2    抗生素的冻干技术介绍    5
    2.1 冻干技术的现状和发展趋势    5
    2.2 真空冻干理论的研究现状及发展趋势    5
    2.3 抗生素真空冻干工艺技术对控制系统的要求    6
    3 抗生素的真空冻干装置介绍    7
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