    毕业论文关键词: 智慧环境感知;自动监测;自动控制;物联网;传感器
    Intelligent Environmental Perception System
    Abstract: In this paper, the designed to automatically monitor the environment status, automatic control environment question the wisdom of environment perception system for automatic detection system, namely that were the focus of essence for a lot of structure applied in environmental monitoring. If you want to achieve wisdom environmental awareness, first of all need to be perceived as a foundation. While perception to sensors have high demands. Secondly, on the basis of the sensor network, the data transmission and acquisition are necessary to achieve the result of monitoring. Again, in the system of intelligent processing of sensory data, we need a monitoring interface for real-time observation system running situation, discover problems in time, handle problems, in order to ensure the normal running of the system. To sum up, this system consists of three layers of structure design, namely perception layer, transport layer and application layer. This article first introduced the related background of the topic, component software principle and some development of hardware and software required by the system, then the structure and the detail design of this system are introduced, and experimental results was verified.
    Key words :  ambient intelligence; Automatic monitoring; Automatic control; The Internet of things; temperature sensor
     目    录
    1.    引言    (1)
    1.1    研究目的与意义   (1)
    1.2    研究背景   (1)
    1.3    国内外研究现状文献总述) (3)
    2.    物联网简介  (4)
    3.    物联网核心技术简介    (5)
    3.1    传感技术 (5)
    3.2    射频识别(radio frequency identification)技术(7)
    3.3    智能嵌入技术   (7)
    3.4    物联网通信技术 (7)
    4.    智慧环境感知系统设计方案 (9)
    4.1    系统配置  (10)
    4.2    系统硬件设置 (11)
    4.2.1    传感器节点硬件设计 (11)
    4.2.2    传感器节点结构设计 (11)
    4.2.3    传感器网络节点电源设计  (12)
    4.2.4    传感器选型  (12)
    4.3    基于3G的无线通信方式  (13)
    4.4    系统软件设计 (13)
    4.4.1    节点CMU软件设计  (13)
    4.4.2    主控软件界面设计  (14)
    4.4.3    设计结果  (17)
    4.5    结论(18)
    5.    参考文献 (19)
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