    毕业论文关键词:户用光伏发电系统  最大功率充电  蓄电池控制器  buck-boost电路
    With the rapid development of world economy, energy demand is increasing in different countries all over the world. Solar energy and other new green energy have become the focus of the world.
    This paper designs a photovoltaic power generation system for household, then designs the capacity of photovoltaic power system and chooses the photovoltaic array, as well as battery on a basis of a household electricity demand in Jiangsu. The construction of photovoltaic power generation system is DC bus structure with the maximum power charging method and the traditional three stages charging method. The maximum power charging method has capacity to raise the conversion efficiency from solar energy into electrical energy. The constant voltage charging method prevents overcharge and the floating charging method keeps the battery power, not too big loss.
    The last work is the design of the hardware and software of charging and discharging controller. This system uses the AT89S51 microcontroller as the control center and peripheral design mainly includes power circuit, clock circuit and reset circuit. The charging and discharging circuit includes boost circuit and buck-boost circuit. Other parts contain single-phase full-bridge inverter, driving circuit and sampling circuit with Hall element as its core. In addition, the control block diagram of buck-boost circuit is designed to control the charging and discharging of battery. In software, the flow chart of main program and subprogram of charging and discharging is designed. In this paper, the controller has 7 main working modes, which realizes each part to operate steadily and efficiently and work coordinately.
    Keywords: household stand-alone photovoltaic system    MPPT    the battery controller     buck-boost circuit
     目  录
    摘  要    I
    Abstract    II
    1 绪论    1
    1.1课题研究背景    1
    1.1.1世界能源短缺现状    1
    1.1.2光伏发电的优势和意义    1
    1.2国内外发展现状    2
    1.2.1光伏发电方面    2
    1.2.2蓄电池控制器方面    3
    1.3光伏发电系统的分类    4
    1.4户用光伏发电系统    5
    1.4.1 户用光伏发电系统的组成部分    5
    1.4.2户用光伏发电系统的意义    7
    1.5本文主要设计内容    7
    2 光伏电池和蓄电池特性    8
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