    Design of Single-stage inverted pendulum fuzzy control system
    Abstract: Inverted pendulum is a strong coupling, multivariable, nonlinear and unstable system, which is used as a typical controlled object and has been popular with scholars of control industry. The dynamic modeling method based on Newton's mechanics and dynamics modeling method based on Lagrange equations to mathematical modeling of single inverted pendulum system are used in this issue, and the comparison between the two kinds of modeling methods is proposed. The fuzzy control method which is based on the Mamdani is used to control the swinging rod angle and displacement of car of single inverted pendulum system in this issue. The fuzzy controller contains four inputs and one output, the inputs are :pendulum Angle, angular velocity, and displacement of the car, vehicle speed; and the output is the control force to the car. Meanwhile  the effect of quantification and proportion factors is also considered. Then used Matlab to simulate offline, from the simulation waveform, the control effect is showed,  this control strategy has faster response speed, smaller overshoot, stronger robustness, better stability and other advantages, the dynamic and static effects are better. However, when using this fuzzy control method to control single inverted pendulum in real time, the control effect remains to be improved.
    Keywords: single inverted pendulum;mathematical modeling;fuzzy control;Matlab simulation
    目 录
    1 绪论    1
      1.1 本课题的研究意义    1
      1.2 倒立摆的工作原理    1
      1.3 倒立摆的研究发展概况    2
      1.4 倒立摆控制策略综述    2
    2 倒立摆系统建模    4
      2.1 倒立摆系统的建模    4
      2.2 基于牛顿力学的动力学建模    5
      2.3 基于Lagrange方程的动力学建模    9
      2.4 两种建模方式的比较    10
      2.5 倒立摆实际系统模型    11
    3 模糊控制的基本理论    13
      3.1 模糊控制理论简介    13
        3.1.1模糊控制理论的发展简介    13
        3.1.2模糊控制理论的基本概念    13
      3.2 模糊控制器原理    17
      3.3 模糊控制器的设计    18
      3.4 模糊控制器的特点与局限性    19
      3.5 模糊控制改进方法    19
        3.5.1自校正模糊控制    19
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