    Design of Safety Early Warning System on Household Car
    Abstract: With the continuous improvement of people's living standard, cars have become the main transportation in the modern society, and they profoundly transform people's lives. At the same time,  they also bring many problems. Among them, the car safety isn’t most allowed to be ignored. In order to achieve the safe driving home car, in this paper, aiming at the safety of the car driving and fuel tank, a kind of warning system about the safety of cars was designed. The system is mainly composed of five parts: oil temperature and oil pressure sampling, rotational speed, ultrasonic launch reception, signal processing and alarm circuit. In this design, temperature sensors, pressure sensors, hall sensors and ultrasonic module were used for signal collecting, and microcontroller STC89C52 was used for processing. If the measurement results are beyond the threshold, SCM controls LED lamp or buzzer to run for alarming. The debugging results show that this design has reached the expected goals of running stability, high accuracy, good real-time performance, simple operation and low cost.
    Key words: Car Security; Collision Avoidance; Safety of Fuel Tank; Single Chip Microcomputer
    目    录

    摘要    1
    引言    2
    1. 系统方案设计    2
    1.1 系统方案选择    2
    1.2 关键器件的选择    3
    1.3 系统总体框图及其功能    5
    2. 系统硬件设计    6
    2.1 最小系统电路    6
    2.2 油温检测电路    8
    2.3 油压检测电路    9
    2.4 油位检测系统    10
    2.5 车速检测系统    11
    2.6 车距测量系统    12
    2.7 异常报警电路    12
    2.8 液晶显示电路    13
    2.9 程序下载及供电电路    14
    3. 系统软件设计    16
    3.1 主程序流程图    16
    3.2 子程序流程图    16
    3.3 超声波测距补偿    18
    4. 下载与调试    19
    4.1 软件下载    19
    4.2 仿真结果    20
    5. 总结    21
    参考文献    22
    附录    23
    致谢    24
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