    关键词  环境参数监测;MSP430F149单片机;CC2533; ENC28J60
    Title         A design on the system for measuring  the parameter of  the  Leech breeding                                    
    Leech environment parameter monitoring system can provide a scientific basis for the fine leech, help to improve the yield and quality of the leech. Currently, real-time monitoring of water temperature and pond surrounding air temperature and humidity monitoring is extremely important for the aquaculture industry. So, leech environmental parameters monitoring system has important practical value.
    In this paper,we use a temperature and humidity sensor to measure the pond surrounding air temperature and humidity, and a PT100 temperature measuring circuit designed to measure the pond water temperature, then process the data through the MSP430F149 microcontroller, the next, through CC2533 transmit modules and ZigBee protocol for wireless sensor networks, constitute a network to realize data transmission. Implementation of a data receiver module at the other end ,we use the CC2533 receiver and receive data to the MSP430F149 microcontroller for processing, then sent to the ENC28J60 chip, converted to comply with the deplore standard of TCP/IP serial signal, and then passed to the host computer via network interface. At last , the real-time water temperature and air temperature and humidity information ,also with other related environmental parameters ,are displayed on the computer screen..
    The results of the research can meet the needs of leech environmental monitoring automation and information, they are also of great significance to improve the level of leech.
    Keywords  Environmental parameters monitoring; MSP430F149 microcontroller; CC2533; ENC28J60.
     目 次
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题研究背景    1
    1.2 国内外发展现状    2
    1.3 论文的主要工作    3
    2 系统方案设计    4
    2.1系统体系结构    4
    2.2 环境参数监测子系统方案设计    4
    2.3 数据传输子系统方案设计    7
    3 水蛭养殖环境监测系统硬件设计    13
    3.1电源电路硬件设计    13
    3.2微处理器模块硬件电路设计    13
    3.3空气温湿度测量系统硬件设计    16
    3.4水温传感器硬件电路设计    18
    3.5 数据传输子系统硬件设计    19
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