    摘要伴着我国的区域经济飞速的增长,科学与技术突飞猛进,我国的城际铁路建设进度也在以令人叹为观止的速度增长。每天发车接车的车次数量和密度都在不断的加大,同时列车由于科技运用也在不停提速。车辆所需要行驶的两城距离变得越来越大,以往的人工驾驶系统已经无法满足客运要求,所以开发列车自动驾驶系统成为了列车系统发展的时代要求。列车自动驾驶系统汇集计算机技术、高科技智能通讯的控制系统,且其系统的自动化程度很高。此系统不但能减轻人工系统的负担,也能大大提高乘客的乘车舒适程度,方便服务。本文研究城际自动驾驶系统,以 CTCS-2 城际系统做模板,从城际自动驾驶系统需求分析,对自动驾驶相关技术进行了适当参考,研究了当前城际自动驾驶系统的硬件结构和系统的工作流程。此次研究包含了以下内容:对硬件结构和硬件设备进行了研究,分析研究了硬件设备的设计原理和接口设计,对ATO 系统工作流程进行了分类的设计,完成了车载设备运行工作流程和地面设备运行工作流程的设计。该论文有图22 张,表1 张,参考文献30 篇。41411
    毕业论文关键词:自动驾驶系统 工作流程 城际铁路
    Design of Urban Rail Transit Train OperationControl System
    Abstract With the rapid growth of China's regional economy, science and technology isadvancing rapidly. The construction progress of the inter-city railway in our countryis also growing at an astonishing speed. The number and frequency of trains per dayhave been increasing constantly, meanwhile due to the use of science and technology,the train speed is also constantly increasing. The driving distance between the citiesthat the vehicles have to travel is becoming bigger and bigger, and the former manneddriving system is unable to meet the requirement for passenger transport, thus thedevelopment of train autopilot system becomes the demand of the train systemdevelopment in this time. Train autopilot system aggregates computer technology andhigh-tech intelligent communication control system, and it has a very high degree ofautomation . This system not only can reduce the burden of manned driving system,but also can greatly improve the ride comfort of passengers and facilitate service. Thepaper studies the inter-city autopilot system. It takes CTCS-2 inter-city system as thetemplate, analyzes the demand of the inter-city autopilot system, and carries outappropriate reference to relevant automatic driving technology, and designs thehardware system suitable for the current inter-city autopilot system. The studyincludes the following contents:Hardware structure and hardware devices have been studied to analyze thedesign principles and hardware interface design, work flow of the ATO system ofclassification was designed to complete the on-board equipment and groundequipment to run workflows run a workflow design.
    摘要 I
    目录 III
    图清单 表清单. V
    1 绪论 1
    1.1 课题研究背景及意义.1
    1.2国内外研究现状 2
    2城际 ATO 系统需求分析. 4
    2.1城际铁路 ATO功能需求分析.4
    2.2 ATO系统定义 4
    2.3城际铁路 ATO系统功能原理.5
    2.4 城际ATO 系统构成.6
    2.5 ATO功能测试系统7
    3城际 ATO 系统硬件结构系统设计 11
    3.2列控地面硬件设备功能. 12
    3.3地面硬件设备设计原理. 12
    3.5电子信息单元 LEU.17
    3.6 DMI车载设备解析21
    3.7 TWC系统.24
    3.8 ATO系统地面设备信息流. 26
    3.9 列控车载系统功能.26
    3.10车载硬件设备设计原理. 27
    4.城际 ATO系统工作流程. 32
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