


    Design of the door control system of single-chip microcomputer

    Abstract: through the single-chip microcomputer control of each column compartment door switch, through some SCM sensing components detection door opening state, door detect run-time whether abnormal conditions occur, such as whether there are foreign bodies blocked the door. SCM is given the door motor rotation signal, at this time of the drive motor is transferred and inversion is response running status of train doors and also through the position sensor to detect the door position, so as to determine the motor rotation and stop, system requirements, with some indicators that show the switch state of the door, the simulation using STC89S52 chip as the main control chip. Taking into account the level of the microcontroller to be amplified, the decision to use the ULN2003 chip to achieve the desired function, so as to achieve the simulation of the train door and screen door open and close. Use button operation directly control the opening of the door and screen door, and at the top is also provided with indicator, a timer, buzzer to remind passengers to safety, main control objective is to control door sensors, and timer, when the passenger compartment to leave or enter the compartment, in the sensing area must ensure the passenger safety, so requirements for the sensors is very high, considering the limitations of simulation, can only make the door opening and closed and some indication lamp display.

    KeyWords:Singlechip microcomputer ;Car door;Stepper motor; 

    目  录

    1  摘要 1

    1  Abstract 1

    1  目录 1

    1  绪论 1

      1.1  课题的目的与意义 2

      1.2  国内外研究现状 3

      1.3  发展趋势 3

      1.4  车门故障分析 3

    2 车门系统 3

      2.1  车门结构 4

      2.2  门驱动结构 6

      2.3  车门故障指示 7

      2.4  车门控制单元 8

        2.4.1  车门控制简介 8

        2.4.2  车门主要参数 8

    2.4.3  车门可调整参数

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