


    Design of Air Quality Detection System Based on Single Chip Microcomputer

    Abstract: Although China's economic strength is constantly enhanced, but with it comes the problem of environmental pollution has become increasingly serious, especially air quality problems, when more and more people are concerned about air quality, the design becomes very practical and practical significance. The design of microcontroller family STC89C52 as the control, to take research methods of physical design and simulation software combination. The design uses a modular design include: concentration of harmful gases collected, temperature and humidity data acquisition, the core control system, several modules display and alarm. Indoor harmful gases and temperature and humidity are monitored by the sensor MQ135 and DHT11, and the measurement results to the microcontroller STC89C52 processing, then data to monitor LCD1602 display. If the concentration of harmful gases or excessive temperature and humidity measurement value is not within the set range by SCM alarm. Debugging results show that the design and operation of good and stable, high accuracy, simple operation, real-time performance and low cost. This comprehensive evaluation of the structural design is simple and practical, in line with the needs of today's intelligent, it will have a huge market space in terms of smart home.

    KeyWords: The sensor; Single chip microcomputer; Air quality; Detection processing

    目  录

    摘要 1

    引言 2

    1.系统方案的总体设计 2

    1.1 有害气体浓度和温湿度采集模块的选择 3

    1.2 系统控制模块的选择 4

    1.3 显示模块的选择 4

    2.系统的硬件电路设计 5

    2.1 主控电路设计 5

    2.2 温湿度采集电路设计 6

    2.3 有害气体浓度采集电路设计 8

    2.4 显示电路设计 9

    2.5 报警电路设计 11

    3.软件设计 11

    3.1 主程序设计 11

    3.2 有害气体检测和温湿度采集程序设计 13

    4.仿真调试与分析 13

    5.总结 16

    参考文献 16

    附录 17

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