


    Design of Manipulator Arm Swing Motion System Based on PLC

    Abstract: Manipulator in the industrial production more and more attention. according to a predetermined program delivery or workpiece holding tool for operation of automation technology and equipment. to realize the automation of industrial production. promote the further development of industrial production plays an important role. This design is the induction signal induction to position signal transform into electrical signals. PLC (programmable logic controller) according to a written procedure control servo motor rotation direction. thus achieving the manipulator in the coordinate space any point movement; the induction device to sense the position signal feedback to PLC host. then the PLC development module sends signal to pneumatic cylinder so as to control the manipulator. finally reaching the precise movements of the manipulator. In this paper. the design of the material handling robot hand in space to achieve the designated position of grasping and placing objects. and by the PLC input to the specified signal can be achieved automatically grab the workpiece. Manipulator can not only achieve the precise motion function. but also change the relevant parameters (position parameters. stroke parameters. induction parameters) to achieve the flexible manipulator of the workpiece and the movement process.

    Key Words: Manipulator; PLC; Sensor

    目  录

    摘要 1

    绪论 2

    1.机械手概述 2

    1.1机械手的特点 2

    1.2机械手组成 2

    1.3国内外研究状况和发展趋势 3

    1.4发展前景及方向 3

    2.课题的方案设计 4

    2.1课题的主要任务 4

    2.2机械手执行机构设计 4

    2.3机械手的驱动方案设计 5

    2.4机械手的主要参数 6

    2.5 PLC控制系统 8

    3.系统硬件设计 9

    3.1主电路设计 9

    3.2传感器的原理和选用 10

    4.系统软件设计 10

    4.1 PLC控制电路设计 12

    4.2 PLC输入和输出点分配表 14

    4.3指令语句表 16

    5.机械手总体设计 16

    5.1 机械手的动作过程

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