


    Design of Intelligent Curtain Controller Based on Single Chip Microcomputer 

    Abstract: Due to the emergence and wide use of intelligent household products,conventional curtains can no longer meet people’s increasing demand for higher quality life. The AT89C51 single chip microcomputer was used as the core of  the intelligent curtain controller in this paper. In automatic control mode, According to the change of the external signal (light, rain), the system can make appropriate adjustments the curtain condition. In manual wireless control mode, the user can set the time of the curtain and real-time opening and closing function through the buttons . In the working process of this system, controlled by single-chip microcomputer connection of stepper motor and reversing the opening and closing of the curtain. This design of two patterns can help people realize the effective control of the curtain, reduce the operation of traditional curtain and make people's life more convenient.

    Key Words: The curtain control; Intelligent system; Single chip microcomputer; AT89C51

    目  录

    摘要 1

    引言 1

    1. 绪论 2

    1.1 研究的背景和现状 2

    1.2 研究内容及要求 2

    2. 系统总体设计方案 3

    3. 硬件电路设计 4

    3.1 控制电路设计 4

    3.2 检测电路 6

    3.3 无线发送/接收电路 8

    3.4 按键/显示电路 11

    3.5 执行电路 14

    4. 系统程序设计 15

    4.1 主程序设计 15

    4.2 子程序设计 17

    5. 系统仿真 19

    5.1 定时模块仿真 19

    5.2电机模块仿真 20

    5.3检测模块仿真 21

    6. 结束语 22

    参考文献 22

    附录一 24

    附录二 25 

    致谢 40



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