


    Automatic Water Tower Building Water System Design

    Abstract:In the field of contemporary many production, usually of the detection and control of water level accordingly. People's life cannot leave the water, so the control of the water in our daily life is quite strict, in order to ensure uninterrupted water supply problem, therefore, we design a kind of can automatically detect and control of water level system. The system is mainly based on single chip microcomputer as the core element, consists of several peripheral circuit, such as start up circuit, alarm circuit and control circuit, etc. Through the investigation and study decided to apply more extensive electrode method. Main water tower water level to make use of single chip microcomputer to the advantages of intelligent real-time monitoring and control, to complete the purpose of automatic water.This article is to AT89C51 as the main control chip. Smart chip developed both enriched people's life and bring us great convenience. As a key part in many fields, as one of the symbols of the new age, we adopt single-chip microcomputer to complete the water tower water, is no doubt about it. Building automatic water tower water system was introduced in detail the design of the design of the hardware part and software part.

    Key words: Water Tower; Microcontroller; Water Level 

       目  录

    摘要 1

    1.绪论 2

       1.1研究背景 2

       1.2研究意义 2

       1.3国内外相关研究 3

    2.系统整体设计 3

       2.1系统工作原理 4

       2.2系统结构框图 4

    3.硬件电路设计 5

    3.1水位自动控制硬件结构图 5

    3.2硬件配置 5

    3.3硬件电路总体设计 11

    4.软件设计 12

        4.1功能要求 12

        4.2软件流程图 14

        4.3程序设计 15

    5.系统调试 16

        5.1硬件调试 16

        5.2系统运行检测 17

    参考文献 17

    附录 系统程序 19

    致谢 23


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