


    Development and application of wireless sensor -- temperature and humidity data acquisition

    Abstract:This design uses the AT89C51 microcontroller chip as the core, using SHT11 temperature and humidity sensors to collect and control the temperature and humidity in real time, and realize the automatic control of temperature and humidity. The system consists of embedded microcontroller small system module, temperature and humidity acquisition module, heating and cooling module, humidity and humidity module, button and display module and PC module seven parts. Can pass SHT11 digital temperature and humidity sensors, and will collect the temperature and humidity as well as the set temperature and humidity on the lower limit through the LED digital tube display. And through the TTL serial port communication will be collected by the temperature and humidity data sent to the host computer, the host computer implementation of viewing and recording, and the upper limit and lower limit of the temperature and humidity can be set, when the lower limit of the temperature real-time temperature exceeds the set relay Unicom use heating, to reach a set value; similarly, when the upper limit of the real-time temperature exceeds the set, open the cooling fan, to achieve the cooling effect. The humidity in real-time temperature exceeds the set humidity limit, through the relay to control the exhaust fan humidifier or dehumidifier. Using the system, can achieve  

    effective and reliable detection and control of greenhouse indoor orchid breeding of temperature and humidity requirements relatively high place, and you can query data is sent to PC computer records, so as to realize the cultivation of greenhouse and indoor breeding of crops in the most suitable temperature and humidity conditions, improve the quality and yield.

    Keywords: AT89C51 MCU; temperature and humidity control; host computer; data record and query 


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 IV

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题的目的和意义 2

    1.2 国内外研究现状与水平 2

    1.3 发展趋势和未来的市场占有 3

    1.4 论文组织结构

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