    Abstract  Rapidly from the beginning of the 21st century, electronic product development, production of electronic products for people's production and life brought great convenience.People at the same time to the electronic product performance and stability have more requirements, each big manufacturer must also be developed better, more stable system of product will have a larger market, accepted by the user.Since the advent of speakers to now has one hundred years or so.The development of domestic speakers also had more than half a century of existence, the speaker can be seen everywhere in our life, the speaker's special widely used, such as car audio, mobile phone, computer, TV and so on.Speaker production line, in order to ensure the quality of the speaker to factory and improve the product percent of pass, electroacoustic manufacturers need to evaluate the speaker parameters measurement, to be on the low frequency characteristics of the speaker frequency F0 for testing.
      various parameters, and put forward the speaker of the low frequency characteristic frequency is one of the most important parameters, this equipment and design the test speaker of low frequency.At the same time, combining with the domestic and international authoritative institutions issued by the industrial test standard, detailed elaborated on the low frequency, in 2002, my graduation thesis guidance teacher invented fast measuring the resonance frequency of the loudspeaker equipment, and applied for a patent, it connects filter, the output of the single chip microcomputer to the output of DDS signal generator, the output of the gain controller receives the input end of the power amplifier, low pass filter and the output of the microcontroller gain controller input, the speaker connected to the output of the power amplifier, signal input terminal current response of the single chip microcomputer phase sampling circuit of the output value, can quickly complete a test to the resonance frequency of the speaker.
      This topic with C8051F005 MCU as the core has designed a speaker low frequency analysis system based on MCU.This system adopts analog signal input, through the AD, data acquisition, spectrum analysis, the final draw waveform curve on the LCD panel, according to analysis of data, complete the oscilloscope function.
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