    关键词  单片机  控制系统  压力传感器  挤压撞击
    Title        Powder extrusion impact test system based  on microcontroller
    The development of modern high performance weapon has been seriously restrained due to its launch safety problem,which has become the world problem and greatly attended by ballistician at home and abroad. Extrusion and fracture of propellant charge was the factor in the newly outcome. The extrusion crushing mechanism of Emission charge bed in motion process is the core issues in the emission safety study. In this paper , it mainly studies using microcontroller to do drug extrusion control system development impact test. The test powder was placed in the sleeve of charge chamber, using electric ignition combustion chamber gunpowder, the high pressure gases generated in the combustion to push the drive piston, high-speed movement of the drive piston driven by the pressure head quickly extruded samples drug chamber propellant bed, and driven piston quickly push the sleeve to the other end of the chamber, the pressure sensor mounted in the sleeve wall will be collected compressive stress and converted to electrical signals. Analysis able to determine the location of the charge room by the time of each sensor, the microcontroller to control the ignition time, which the chamber from one end of the sleeve to push the other end, and ultimately achieve the required timing control function of the test.
      Keywords Microcontroller Control system  Pressure sensor  Extrusion impact
    目   次

    1绪论    1
    1.1研究背景及意义    1
    1.2国内外研究状况    2
    1.3本文主要研究内容    3
    2火药挤压撞击试验控制系统的总体设计    3
    2.1控制系统概述    4
    2.2火药挤压撞击试验控制系统的工作原理    6
    2.3本章小结    7
    3火药挤压撞击试验控制系统的硬件设计    8
    3.1单片机的选择    8
    3.2串口转USB芯片的选择    11
    3.3存储功能的实现    13
    3.4 MAX813看门狗电路    15
    3.5压力传感器的选择    17
    3.6电压比较器LM339    19
    3.7本章小结    20
    4火药挤压撞击试验控制系统的软件设计及调试    21
    4.1软件的总体设计思路    21
    4.2单片机程序的编写    21
    4.3上位机程序的编写    26
    4.4系统的调试    28
    4.5本章小结    31
    结  论    32
    致  谢    33
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