    摘要: 浮动车技术的发展给城市道路交通系统管理带来了极大的便利,浮动车技术的各项关键技术的研究有利于浮动车技术更好地发挥其服务交通系统的作用。本论文从浮动车检测系统、路段分段方法、浮动车数量确定以及交通状态判别出发,在总结前人研究成果的基础上,通过概率统计和理论推理的方法探求其中各个环节的关键技术。基于GPS/GIS系统的浮动车检测技术与传统检测技术相比,优势巨大,检测系统内部各环节相互协调配合,共同保证道路交通的有序运行;基于重要节点或路段处进行道路分段的原则符合道路交通的实际情况,避免了“削峰”现象的发生;基于路段覆盖率的浮动车数量模型较传统概率模型更加符合道路交通的特性。通过本文研究,我们有理由相信,浮动车技术一定会在道路交通系统中发挥更加关键的作用。7339
    关键词 浮动车技术 检测系统 浮动车数量 道路覆盖率 路段分段 状态判别  
    Title  The research of the characteristics of the traffic analysis method  Based on the floating car technology
    The development of floating car technology has brought great convenience for urban road traffic management systems. Research on the key technology of floating car is helpful to floating car technology to better play its role of service traffic system. This article is begin with floating car detection system、segmentation method of road、determination model of the number of floating car and the status identification for traffic. At the conclusion of the predecessors, through the theory of probability and statistics and reasoning method for exploring all aspects of key technologies. Compared to traditional detection technology, Floating car detection technology which based on GPS/GIS system have huge advantage. The internal of detection system all links mutual coordination tie, common guarantee road traffic of ordered run; The principle for road segment based on important node or sections meets the reality of road traffic, avoiding "cut peak" phenomenon to occurs; The number model based on sections coverage of floating car compared to traditional probability is more meet road traffic of characteristics. Through this research, we have reason to believe that floating car technology will play a more crucial role in road traffic system.
    Keywords  floating car technology  detecting system  Coverage of floating car   floating car number  road section  state discrimnation
    目   次
    1 引言    1
    1.1研究背景    1
    1.2研究目的和意义    5
    1.3 研究的主要内容和技术路线    5
    2    交通浮动车检测系统    7
    2.1 系统概述    7
    2.2 系统的关键技术    8
    2.3 系统总体框架    9
    2.4浮动车数据的误差及其识别    12
    3    路段分段方法    15
    3.1出行者对于出行信息的要求    15
    3.2 分段方法    15
    4    浮动车数量选择    18
    4.1 单个路段浮动车数量选择    18
    4.2道路网浮动车数量选择    22
    4.3 案例计算分析    24
    5    交通状态判别及阶跃修正    26
    5.1实时交通状态判别系统    26
    5,2实时交通状态判别方法    27
    5.3 阶跃修正方法    30
    结  论    32
    致  谢    34
    参考文献    35
    1 引言1.1研究背景
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