
    摘要无线射频识别(Radio Frequency Identification,RFID)技术是一种通信技术,可通过无线电讯号识别特定目标并读写相关数据,而无需识别系统与特定目标之间建立机械或光学接触。此项技术涉及很多领域的相关技术,其中包括:电磁理论基础、集成运算放大电路、无线收发技术、数据编码技术等。相对于传统条形码技术,RFID技术具有众多优点:识别标签距离长,识别标签速度快,体积小,存储容量大,安全系数高等。随着研究的逐步深入,科学界对该技术越发重视,应用领域遍及各行各业。49811

    本文以酒店布草管理为研究背景,首先大体介绍RFID技术基本原理和所使用的技术标准,然后根据酒店管理反馈的数据来确定读写器合适的的性能指标,设计总体的UHF RFID读写器的硬件设计方案,选用了RRU2881M嵌入式超高频电子标签读写模块,设计了复位电路、USB、RS-232串行通信接口电路和电源管理电路等外围电路。设计UHF RFID固定式读写器上位机界面。在识别距离一定的情况下,批量读取不同数量的电子标签,通过对标签的读取时间进行分析,验证了系统的实用性和稳定性。

    关键词  RRU2881M;固定式; ISO/IEC 18000-6C;


    Title    Design of UHF RFID reader hardware                    

    Abstract RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is a kind of communication technology, which can identify specified target through radio target, read and write related data without building mechanical or optical contact between identification system and specified target. The technology involves in correlative techniques in many fields, including: electromagnetic theoretical basis, integrated operational amplifier circuit, wireless receiving and dispatching technology and data coding technology and so on. RFID possesses several advantages related to traditional bar codes technique, for example, long distance and fast speed of identification tag, small in size, large storage capacity and high safety factor. The scientific community pays much attention to this technology with the deepening of the study, the application area of RFID covers all walks of life.

    This paper takes hotel linen management as research background, introduces the fundamental of RFID and technical standard firstly, then determines proper performance index of reader according to the feedback data of hotel management, designs hardware design scheme of UHF RFID reader, applies RRU2881M embedded UHF RFID reader module to design reset circuit, USB, RS-232 serial communication interface circuit and power control circuit and other peripheral circuit. Under the circumstance of certain distance, batch reading a different number of electronic tags, analyze the reading access time to verify the practicability and stability of system.

    Keywords  RRU2881M;Stationary; ISO/IEC 18000-6C;

    目   录

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题背景及研究意义 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状 2

    1.3 论文内容及章节安排 4

    2  RFID技术基本原理及技术标准 5

    2.1 RFID系统组成与工作原理 5

    2.2 ISO/IEC 18000-6C协议标准 9

    3  UHF RFID固定式读写器总体方案设计 10

    3.1读写器设计性能指标 10

    3.2 读写器发送接手收部分工作流程图 10

    4  UHF RFID固定式读写器硬件的选取与设计

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