

    关键词  智能交通系统,地感线圈,ZigBee技术,车流量统计


    Title   Traffic flow detection based on ZigBee           

    Abstract Vehicle information collection is a key step to information processing and decision-making in the intelligent transportation system. By collect vehicle information, we can get road traffic information in time, and try to ease the heavy traffic timely and effective. In this paper, affordable, highly reliable sense coil sensors to collect traffic information on the road, then detailed study of the theoretical basis of sense coil as traffic sensor, and build the sensor circuit, achieved the process of making the physical signals into electrical signal in order to convenient. Then use CC2530 chip as control system to process the information ,based on Zigbee to build star network to send the information form different nodes collected to the host computer in order to conduct the subsequent data processing. Finally, verified the feasibility of the system. 

    Keywords Intelligent Transportation System,Loop Detector,ZigBee,Traffic statistics 

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究开发背景 1

    1.2  车辆检测技术研究现状 2

    1.3  无线传感网络和ZigBee技术概述 3

    1.3.1  无线传感网络简介 3

    1.3.2  ZigBee技术概述 4

    1.4  本文主要研究内容 5

    2  地感线圈传感器 7

    2.1  地感线圈作为车辆检测传感器的理论依据 7

    2.2  地感线圈检测器的系统组成 8

    2.2.1  地感线圈 8

    2.2.2  振荡电路 8

    2.2.3  KA567锁相环系统 10

    2.3  小结 12

    3  系统总体设计 13

    3.1  控制模块 13

    3.2  串口通信模块 14

    3.3  输入和输出模块 15

    3.4  无线收发模块 16

    3.5  供电模块 16

    3.6  传感器模块 17

    3.7  小结 17

    4  系统软件设计 18

    4.1  Zstack协议栈移植 19

    4.1.1  LED移植

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