    摘要:大迟延对象的控制一直是控制领域研究的焦点问题。加热炉温度控制便属于这类复杂的控制对象。传统的加热炉温度控制系统采用的是原料油出口温度同燃料油流量或同炉膛温度的串级控制,但由于燃料油流量存在波动,使得温度控制效果较差。而且由于近年来炉膛改造,炉膛容积增大,使得控制系统主副被控对象均存在较大的时间滞后。对于无滞后或滞后比较小的系统,通常采用PID控制。对于大滞后系统,PID控制效果并不好,需要另加补偿,因此提出了Smith预估补偿控制系统。而 Smith 预估算法则在模型匹配时具有好的性能指标 ,但是由于这种算法严重依赖模型的精确匹配 ,而在实际中这是很难做到的 ,当模型失配时,Smith 预估算法就难以取得良好的控制效果,因此提出了改进型Smith控制系统。7591
    关键词: 加热炉;预测控制;史密斯预估器
    Large delay time has been the focus of research in the control field. Furnace temperature control is belong to this complex control object .Traditional furnace temperature control system uses raw oil outlet temperature with the fuel oil flow cascade control or furnace temperature, but due to volatility in fuel flow, making the temperature control less effective. In recent years, due to the furnace chamber volume increases, the control system exists in a large time lag. For no or less delay, the system usually adopts PID control. For large delay system, PID control effect is not good, need additional compensation. Thus puts forward Smith-predictor compensator control system. The Smith-predictor in the matching model has good performance when, but this algorithm heavily depends on the exact match model, but it is difficult to do in practice. Smith-predictor algorithm is difficult to obtain good control effect when the model mismatch. Thus put forward an improved Smith-predictor control system.
        This study focuses on design and realize the control laws and control algorithm that is applicable to furnace combustion control process. Specific discuss the method of Smith- predictor engineering realization for pure time-delay system, focusing on such a control algorithm for a more in-depth discussion, and puts forward an improved Smith – predictor, which puts adaptive control and Smith – predictor implement organically, realize to the parameters of the control system to achieve self-tuning, but also by means of simulation design and improved results are analyzed. Simulation experiment, if adopted PID control algorithm, the system showed a larger overshoot, but using control without overshoot. If keep the controller and the model parameters constant, change the object parameters that mismatch model to Smith-predictor, Smith-predictor algorithm oscillation occurs and, the system stability were destroyed at this time. The improved Smith – predictor algorithm not only can keep the system stability but also decreases oscillation frequency, increases convergence speed.
    Keywords: furnace; gain adaptive control; Smith-predictor
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