


    Abstract: To ensure a suitable environment for the growth of the desk flower, an automatic control device for temperature and humidity is introduced in this thesis. The design takes single chip STC89C52RC as controller. sensor DHT11 is used as probe to detect the real-time temperature and humidity. LCD1602 screen is used as display to show the real-time value and the default of temperature and humidity in two lines. The 5V voltage drives the alarm buzzer. Four electric relays respectively drive four devices to control temperature and humidity, so that the function of raising and reducing the temperature and humidity can be implemented. When the sensor has collected the value of the real time temperature and humidity, the data will be pasted to the single chip to be compared with the default. Once the value exceeds it, the speaker alarms. And the corresponding relay will be controlled to drive the circuit. Besides, the user can change the set temperature and humidity with three independent keys easily. After simulating the design by software, the design has been made and debugged successfully.

    Key words:automatic control of temperature and humidity,SCM STC89C52RC,  LCD1602 screen,  Sensor DHT11 


    1绪论 4

    1.1背景 4

    1.2现状 4

    2总体概述 5

    2.1主要功能 5

    2.2总体设计框图 5

    2.3 工作原理 5

    3系统硬件设计 6

    3.1主控制模块 6

    3.1.1 STC89C52RC的主要性能参数 6

    3.1.2 STC89C52RC各引脚功能介绍 6

    3.1.3 单片机最小系统 7

    3.2 DHT11传感器模块 9

    3.2.1 DHT11传感器的主要性能 9

    3.2.2 DHT11与单片机的通讯 9

    3.3 LCD1602液晶显示模块 11

    3.3.1 LCD1602液晶显示的主要性能 11

    3.3.2 LCD1602液晶显示与单片机的接口电路 12

    3.4按键模块 13

    3.5报警模块 13

    3.6输出电路设计 14

    4系统软件设计 14

    4.1主程序流程图 14

    4.2 DHT11传感器模块程序流程图 15

    4.3 按键扫描程序流程图

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