
    摘 要:仓库的温湿度是农产品安全存储的重要参数,一旦控制不当,很容易引起仓库粮食潮湿,发霉等一系列的问题,直接影响到库存的质量。本课题运用单片机技术,以AT89C51为核心,主要从硬件和软件方面对仓库温湿度监测系统进行设计。硬件部分主要包括控制电路、温湿度检测电路、显示电路、报警电路等。重点介绍了ADC0809转换器、温湿度检测器的功能、工作原理以及与单片机的接口。软件部分主要是对温度、湿度传感器数据采集模块、报警模块等运行程序进行设计。该系统将温度和湿度传感器检测到的信号经变换后传送至单片机,通过显示器显示,并与设定值比较,超过限值时报警。该系统的实现为仓库环境高效率、高精度的自动化控制奠定基础。56886


    Abstract:The temperature and humidity of warehouse are important parameters for the safety of agricultural products’ storage.If not taken under control, it will easily cause a series of problems which make the grain in damp or mold.Even it will influence the quality of inventory directly. This subject built on the center of AT89C51 applies the Microcontroller technology to design  the warehouse temperature and humidity monitoring system on both hardware, which includes control circuit, temperature and humidity detection circuit, display circuit, alarm circuit and so forth, and software aspects.This article put the most emphasis on the function, operating principle of ADC0809 converter, Temperature and Humidity detector and Micro-controller’s connector. To the part of software, it mainly introduced the thought of design for Operational Procedure of Humidity sensor data acquisition module and alarm module. This system can transmit the temperature and humidity sensor’s signal which converts by A/D converter to the Micro-controller and compare the output with the setted value, if it exceeds the limit, then alarm. The implementation of the system successfully build up the foundation of high efficiency of the warehouse management and high precision automatic control.

    Keywords: granary, temperature and humidity, Microcomputer AT89C51, A/D converter

    目  录

    1  引言 4

    1.1  选题背景及现状 4

    1.2  课题研究的意义 5

    2  硬件电路的设计 5

    2.1  硬件电路工作原理 5

    2.2  传感器的选择 6

    2.2.1  温度传感器的选择 6

    2.2.2  湿度传感器的选择 7

    2.3  AT89C51单片机 9

    2.3.1  AT89C51单片机的介绍 9

    2.3.2  单片机引脚 9

    2.3.3  时钟与复位电路 10

    2.4  A/D转换器 10

    2.5  显示模块和报警电路 12

    2.5.1  显示模块的选择 12

    2.5.2  报警电路的设计 13

    3  软件设计部分 14

    3.1  温度传感器设计流程 14

    3.2  湿度传感器设计流程 15

    3.3  报警电路的设计流程 15

    3.4  温湿度监测系统的主程序

  1. 上一篇:AT89C52单片机温室大棚温度控制系统设计+电路图
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