
    摘 要:由于生活水平的提高,汽车的数量日益增加,经常发生汽车撞上障碍物的事故,因此,设计一种汽车防撞预警系统非常必要。本文设计的基于红外测距传感器的汽车安全驾驶仪是一种汽车倒车测距系统,采用了红外测距原理,并结合了单片机处理技术,先通过红外测距模块测量车辆与目标物之间的距离,距离数据经单片机处理后,再通过LCD显示模块显示,并利用报警模块进行语音报警。结果表明,本文设计的系统,能跟踪检测并显示车与目标物之间的距离,当距离达到安全极限距离时,则发出声音报警,提醒驾驶员采取相应措施,从而提高驾驶安全性。56892


    Abstract: Due to the improvement of living standards, increasing the number of vehicles, car collision with obstacles accidents occurred frequently, therefore, to design a car collision warning system is very necessary. Design in this paper based on infrared distance sensor of automobile instrument is a kind of safe driving car reverse ranging system, the principle of infrared distance measurement is adopted, and combined with the single chip technology, first through infrared measuring the distance between the vehicle and target distance measurement module, distance data by single chip microcomputer, then through the LCD display module, voice alarm and alarm modules. Simulation show that the design of the system, can detect and display the track car and the distance between the target, when the distance to distance limit, voice alarm, remind the driver to take corresponding measures, so as to improve driving safety.

    Keywords: Infrared distance measurement,Sensor,Single chip microcomputer,Safe driving


    1  绪论 4

    1.1  选题研究的背景和意义 4

    1.2  国内外研究现状 4

    1.3  本文研究内容 5

    2  红外测距系统的构成 5

    2.1  几种红外测距原理及选择 5

    2.1.1  反射能量法原理 5

    2.1.2  时间差测距法原理 5

    2.1.3  相位测距原理 5

    2.1.4  红外测距原理的选择 5

    2.2  红外测距工作原理及基本框图 6

    2.3  红外测距主要元件介绍 6

    3  基于红外测距的汽车安全驾驶系统构成 7

    3.1  系统的特点 7

    3.2  基于红外测距传感器的汽车安全驾驶系统框图 7

    4  系统硬件设计 8

    4.1  红外发射电路 8

    4.2  红外接收放大电路 9

    4.3  单片机系统 11

    4.4  A/D转换电路 13

    4.5  LCD显示电路 14

    4.6  报警电路 14

    5  系统软件设计 15

    5.1  主程序设计 15

    5.2  A/D转换程序设计 16

    5.3  电压-距离转换程序设计

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