摘 要如今这个社会,经济水平以及科技能力都在以无比惊人的速度朝着智能化的方面发展着,在各个领域,随处可见的射频识别技术被应用,作为能够让人生活水平提高的同时不再为自己的生命以及财产问题担忧的门禁系统也被广泛的重视着。而且传统的门禁系统已经无法满足这个高速发展的智能化社会了,射频识别技术因为它的不用接触,读写速度优秀、快,正被应用到门禁系统中逐渐的取代掉了传统的不智能方便的门禁系统,相比于传统门禁系统,射频识别技术门禁系统的成本还相对低,性价比更高,这也是生产制造的时候很需要考虑到的一点。本文针对设计射频识别技术的智能化门禁系统,首先介绍了该门禁系统的研究背景,国内以及国外市场发展的状况并进行分析得到设计该门禁系统的具体意义。然后,简述射频识别技术的具体组成部分以及它的工作的原理,从而能够制定出一个总体的设计方案。该智能门禁系统运用到PIC 开发板来进行硬件部分设计,软件部分对看门狗模块、刷卡模块、液晶显示模块以及报警模块等进行编程。结合硬件和软件实现:当正确刷卡时,显示刷卡者信息以及对其开门;当错误刷卡并且强行进入时,判定为非法闯入,显示非法开门并且进行报警。以及不足的地方需要进一步改进的地方,并且对未来射频识别技术门禁系统前景进行展望和期盼。59005 毕业论文关键词:射频识别技术,智能门禁系统,IC 卡,门禁系统
Abstract Now the social, economic level and ability of science and technology in all with anastonishing speed toward the intelligent direction, in all fields, can be seen everywhere inthe RFID technology is applied, as to be able to let people living standards improve and nolonger for their own lives and property concerns of entrance guard system has also beenwidely attention.And the traditional entrance guard system has been unable to meet the rapiddevelopment of society, the RFID technology because it without touching, reading andwriting good fast, is being applied to the entrance guard system gradually replace thetraditional not convenient intelligent entrance guard system, compared to traditionalentrance guard system, radio frequency identification technology, entrance guard system isrelatively low, the cost of higher cost performance, which is production when it is need totake into account.Based on radio frequency identification technology in the intelligent entrance guardsystem design, first introduced the research background of the entrance guard system, thecondition of the domestic and foreign market development and analysis of the entranceguard system design specific meaning.Then, briefly describes the specific part of the RFID technology and its workprinciple, able to work out an overall design scheme.Then design the hardware and software parts of the intelligent entrance guard system,circuit connection between and process design of software part.The intelligent entrance guard system applied to PIC development board design forhardware part, software part of watchdog module, card module, LCD module and alarmmodule programming. Combined with hardware and software implementation: when theright card, according to credit card information and the open the door; When the errorcharge and forced their way into judgement for trespassing, show that illegal to open the door and call the police. And the insufficient place need to be further improved, and radiofrequency identification technology in the future prospect of entrance guard system wasdiscussed and expected.Keywords:Radio frequency identification technology, intelligent entrance guardsystem, IC CARDS, entrance guard system