摘要现代战争制导弹药的打击目标越来越复杂,打击的对象朝多样化发展,打击目标朝机动性越来越强发展。这些最新的变化对制导弹药的性能提出了更高的要求。本文研究了具有更优异的作战性能,拥有更强适应性的变结构导引律。 本文首先对传统导引律的打击性能和精度进行了研究分析,将变结构控制技术应用在了制导律设计,对打击机动目标导引律的原理进行了研究,设计出了一种基于新型控制技术的导引律,文中对变结构控制理论进行了简介。 比例导引律所需信息量小,同时还具有制导系统结构简单,工程上实现容易的优点。滑模变结构导引律所设计的制导律对系统参数的不确定性和外界干扰具有良好的鲁棒性。 首先,根据现代拦截导弹需对付大机动目标的应用特点,结合变结构控制理论,设计了滑模变结构制导律,针对制导律中的开关项进行了光滑处理。然后,进行仿真,仿真结果表明滑模变结构制导律在拦截大机动目标时性能较好,对测量误差的适应性较好,具有很强的鲁棒性,但滑模变结构制导律在某些情况下会出现视线角速率的抖动,这对制导性能的影响是不利的。 为了获得性能更好的制导律,本文又研究了基于智能控制技术和变结构控制技术自适应智能滑模制导律。其中,设计的智能控制,采用解析重构法估计目标加速度。最后对自适应智能滑模制导律、滑模变结构制导律和比例导引法进行仿真,仿真结果表明,自适应智能滑模制导律在拦截各种机动目标时的适应性强、拦截弹道平直、需用过载小、性能优异。 61064
毕业论文关键词  导引律  变结构控制  智能控制  MATLAB仿真 
Title    Technology for Intercepting Maneuvering Targets  based on Variable Structure Guidance Law         
Abstract The  targets  for  guided munition  in the contemporary wars has become increasingly complex,and the targets become more and more perse. The targets become more and more maneuvering.  Such changes put forward higher requirements for the performance of the guided munition. This article has been studied new guidance laws with superior performance and  suitability.    Proportional navigation need less information. It has a brief control and navigation system.  It can be  easily realized in engineering. Sliding-Mode variable structure guidance law has good robustness for uncertainty of parameters and external disturbance.    This paper analyzed the performance  and accuracy  of  traditional guidance laws, applied  new control technology  on Guidance Law, studied the principle of guidance law  for  hitting maneuvering targets, and then designed guidance laws based on the new control technologies. This paper has a brief introduction for Variable Structure Theory. First, according to the characteristics of the application  of the modern interceptor missiles on intercepting maneuvering targets, and variable structure control theory, designed the sliding mode variable structure guidance law. And then it smoothed the guidance law with switch parts. Simulated sliding mode variable structure guidance law and proportional navigation guidance law. Simulation results showed that performances of the sliding mode variable structure guidance law for intercepting large maneuvering targets are  good.  Its  adaptiveness  is good,and its  robustness  is good. However, sliding mode variable structure guidance law in some cases will cause a more serious jitter of line of sight angular rate, which is detrimental to the guidance performance. In order to obtain guidance laws with better performances. This paper studied the adaptive intelligent sliding mode guidance law which based on intelligent  control technology and  variable structure control technology. For intelligent control, accelerations of the targets are estimated by state reconstruction  method.  Finally, simulated with the adaptive intelligent  sliding mode guidance law, the sliding mode  variable structure guidance law and proportional navigation method. Simulation results showed that when use Adaptive Intelligent Guidance Law to intercept a variety of maneuvering targets, the intercept ballistic is the straight, needed acceleration is small, and its performance is good. 
















