    Entrance guard system of microcomputer controller hardware design
    One of the entrance guard system belongs to the intelligent weak current system security system. It as a new type of modern safety management system, automatic identification technology and modern safety management practices into an organic whole, involving electronics, mechanical, optical, computer technology, communication technology, biotechnology, and many other new technologies. Entrance guard system in the building of the main entrances and exits, the elevator hall center machine room, equipment control, valuables, warehouses and other important departments of gangway installation door sensor, electric control lock or controller, such as card reader control device, by computer or management personnel in the central control room monitoring, able to the opening position, traffic object and traffic real-time control or set time, the direction of program control, so as to realize control of the inward and outward.
    Entrance guard system routine consists of entrance guard controller, access control card reader, card, electric locks, access control software, power supply and other related access control device.
    Key words:Entrance guard system of microcomputer control, IC card interface, clock circuit, data acquisition, printing processing, hardware interface
    1.引言    4
    1.1 本课题的意义    4
    1.2 国内外研究现状及研究背景    4
    1.3 任务内容    5
    2. 设计的芯片及接口选择    6
    2.1 显示器接口芯片选择    6
    2.1.1 LED显示器芯片选择    6
    2.1.2 MAX7219特点介绍    7
    2.1.3 工作原理简介    8
    2.1.4 MAX7219内部显示RAM及特殊功能寄存器    9
    2.2 IC卡接口部分    10
    2.2.1 IC卡系统功能    10
    2.2.2 系统硬件原理    11
    2.2.3 主控芯片:ATmega8    11
    2.3 RS485通信接口    13
    2.3.1 RS485接口特点    13
    2.3.2 RS485工作性能及运作状况    13
    3. 电路部分介绍及组合    15
    3.1 单片机部分    15
    3.1.1 AT89C52    15
    3.1.2 单片机硬件资源分配    18
    3. 2 存储器部分    18
    3.2.1 工作原理    20
    3.2.2 VCC入口复位程序    21
    3.2.3 SPI串行存储    22
    3.2.4 状态寄存器    24
    3.2.5 读状态寄存器    25
    3.2.6 读存储序列    26
    3.3 电源与复位电路部分    28
    3.3.1 电源部分    28
    3.3.2 复位电路    28
    3. 4 电铃和继电器部分    29
    3. 5 按键部分    29
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