    摘  要:本文主要介绍了基于单片机的电梯控制系统,采用AT89C51单片机为控制核心主控制器,利用总线式控制各部分模块的方式实现四层楼的电梯控制器设计。电梯的硬件部分主要由单片机最小系统模块、电梯内电路模块、电梯间电路模块、楼层检测模块、电动机驱动模块、报警模块等7部分组成。软件部分则使用汇编语言,采用中断方式对用户发出的信息进行查询,根据光电传感器对电梯运行到对应楼层时所产生的电平的变化送到单片机计数来确定楼层数,同时数码管显示相应的信息。简单可靠的硬件设计结合软件操作实现四层电梯的模拟运行。9781
    The Design of Elevator based on MCU                                        
    Abstract: This paper mainly introduced the elevator control system which based on single-chip computer. And this system uses AT89C51 as the core controller, taking the advantage of the bus control module to implement the four-floor of elevator controller design. The hardware part of the elevator is mainly composed of about 7 parts, that is, single chip microcomputer minimum system module, the elevator circuit module, elevator circuit module, floor detection module, motor driver module, and alarm module. While the software part takes the assembly language as its tool, and it can tell on which floor is the elevator by using interrupt method to check the button information of the user’s requests. And photoelectric sensor level will change according to the floor which the elevator goes to, then this change will be sent to the single-chip microcomputer count to define the floor number, and then be send to the digital tube and be displayed there. This simple as well as reliable hardware design combined with the software operation realizes the simulation operation of four-floor elevator.
    Key Words:AT89C51; elevator; controller
    目    录
    摘要    1
    引言    2
    1. 绪论    2
    1.1 电梯的概述及其发展    2
    1.2 电梯的控制方式及工作原理     3
    2. 电梯的控制系统及方案论证     4
    2.1 电梯控制系统     4
    2.2 总体方案的设计与论证      4
    2.3 关键器件的选择    6
    3. 硬件系统的设计     9
    3.1 总体设计方案    9
    3.2 系统模块的选择    9
    4. 软件设计     14
    4.1 厢内、外主程序流程图    14
    4.2 系统功能与仿真    16
    5. 结束语    20
    参考文献     20
    附录    22
    致谢    31
    基于单片机的电梯控制器设计 引言
    1. 绪论
    1.1 电梯的概述及其发展
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