    [摘要] 电气主接线是发电厂、变电所电气设计的首要部分,也是构成电力系统的重要环节,主接线的确定对电力系统整体及发电厂、变电所本身的运行的可靠性、灵活性和经济性密切相关,并且对电气设备选择、配电装置配置、继电保护和控制方式的拟定有较大的影响,电能的使用已经渗透到社会、经济、生活的各个领域,而在我国电源结构中火电设备容量占总装机容量的75%。本论文是对配有2台100MW和1台300MW汽轮发电机的大中型火电厂一次部分的初步设计,主要完成了电气主接线的设计。包括电气主接线的形式的比较、选择;主变压器、启动/备用变压器和高压厂用变压器容量计算、台数和型号的选择;短路电流计算和高压电气设备的选择与校验;并作了变压器保护配置。9908
    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title    Thermal power plant and regional power grid electrical part of the design                     
    Electrical wiring is the main power plant, electric substation designed first and foremost part of the power system is also constitute an important part. Determination of the main cable on the power system as a whole and power plants, substations to run its reliability, flexibility and economy are closely related. And choice of electrical equipment, power distribution equipment configuration, relay protection and control of the means to develop a greater impact. The use of power has infiltrated the social, economic, in all areas of life, and in the power structure of China’s thermal power equipment capacity of the total installed capacity of 75%. This article is equipped with 2*100 and 300MW turbo-generator of large-scale thermal power plants a part of the preliminary design of the main completed the main electrical wiring design. Including the electrical wiring of the main forms of comparison, the choice; main transformer, the start/stand-by transformer and the high-voltage transformer factory with the capacity of calculation, the number of models and options; short-circuit current calculation and high-voltage electrical equipment selection and validation; and made the protection of transformer.    
    Keywords power plant; transformer; main wiring design; power system; relay; electrical equipment.
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题研究的背景与目的    1
    1.2  国内外研究的现状与趋势    1
    1.3  课题的研究方法    2
    1.4  目前研究的主要工作    3
    2  确定发电机型号及地区电网接线方案    4
    2.1  确定火、水电厂发电机型号与参数    4
    2.2  通过技术经济比较确定地区电网接线方案    4
    2.3  确定火电厂变压器型号及台数    9
    2.4  确定火电厂电气主接线    9
    3  短路电流计算    12
    3.1  短路电流计算的目的    12
    3.2  短路计算的一般规定    12
    3.3  各元件电抗标幺值的计算    12
    3.4  短路电流计算    14
    3.5  220kV侧短路计算    14
    3.6  35kV母线侧短路电流计算    17
    3.7  10kV母线侧电流计算    21
    4  主要电气设备选择    24
    4.1  电气设备选择的一般原则    24
    4.2  条件    24
    4.3  校验的一般原则    24
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