    摘要ZigBee技术是一种新兴的短距离无线通信技术,它的PHY层和MAC层由IEEE802.15.4标准定义,网络层、应用支持子层由ZigBee技术联盟制定。ZigBee技术具有低速率、低功耗及组网灵活等特点,在消费电子、智能家居、建筑自动化、工业控制等领域具有广阔的应用前景。    环境问题在二十一世纪日益凸显,而环境保护的关键步骤在于对环境质量的监测,无线传感器网络技术已日趋成熟,为了能实时、有效地对指定环境监测,可采用ZigBee技术对地区环境指标进行读取与传输。本课题主要在无线环境监测的背景上,基于ZigBee技术,建立多跳无线传感器网络,通过仿真软件进行仿真,着重对ZigBee网络节点结构以及组网过程进行尝试性的探索与研究,实现信息由终端-路由器-协调器的传输。9909
    关键词:组网方案  ZigBee技术  NS2仿真
    Title   Wireless sensor network system based on ZigBee technology and its application in environmental monitoring technology - network technology research
    ZigBee technology is a new short—distance wireless communication technology,its physical layer (PHY) and medium access layer (MAC) defined in IEEE802.15.4,the ZigBee alliance set the standards for network layer(NWK) and application support layer(APS). ZigBee technology is characterized by its low data rate, low power consumption and network flexibility.With these characters ZigBee technology can be used on consumable electronic product,intelligent home control,building automation,industrial automation and so on.
    Environmental issues in 21 Century has become increasingly prominent,Wireless sensor network technology has become increasingly mature, in order to real-time, effective on the specified environment monitoring, adopting the ZigBee technology on regional environmental indicators were read and transmission.
    This topic mainly in wireless environment monitoring background, based on ZigBee technology, establish multi-hop wireless sensor network,through the simulation software, mainly on the ZigBee network node structure and networking process and try to explore and research, realize information by terminal router - coordination of transmission.
    Key words  network establishment Program,ZigBee technology,NS2
     目 次
    1 绪论    1
    1.1  课题背景    1
    1.2  选题意义    2
    1.3  ZigBee技术国内外研究概况    3
    1.4  论文内容及组织结构    5
    2  ZigBee技术简介    6
    2.1  IEEE802.15.4/ZigBee协议概述    6
    2.2  ZigBee网络各层功能概述    7
    2.2.1  物理层    7
    2.2.2  MAC层    9
    2.2.3  网络层    9
    2.2.4  应用层    11
    2.3  ZigBee网络拓扑结构    11
    2.3.1   ZigBee中的设备    11
    2.3.2   ZigBee网络拓扑结构    12
    2.4  路由方式    13
    3  基于ZigBee技术的环境WSN监测系统模型建立    14
    3.1基于ZigBee的环境监测系统理论模型    14
    3.2 基于ZigBee的环境监测系统原理    14
    4  组网方案设计及仿真    16
    4.1  网络初始化    16
    4.2  节点通过协调器加入网络    18
    4.3  节点通过已有节点加入网络    20
    4.4  NS2仿真简介    22
    4.5  结果分析    23
    结  论    25
    致  谢    26
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