    摘要诊断专家系统研究和应用,对故障诊断与排除、故障预防都有十分重要的意义。国外对此非常重视,早在20 世纪60 年代就已开始研究,某些技术已应用于实际工程,我国对设备故障诊断的研究起步较晚。随着信息技术的发展,设备诊断的开发研究及应用正在世界范围内兴起。这就使得专业技术人员的知识形式化,使一般的技术人员借助于专家系统达到接近专家的技术水平。根据计算机故障的复杂性,依据计算机数据结构的基本原理,采用故障树的数据结构和关系数据库原理完成了知识的表示,建立了知识库,实现了确定性故障诊断所需的知识库和推理机。开发计算机故障诊断专家系统。系统主要实现了计算机确定故障诊断模块、知识库文护修改模块等。10269
    关键词 专家系统 故障诊断 故障树 确定性故障 不确定性故障
    Title    Machine fault diagnosis expert system                     
    Diagnosis Expert System for research and application of fault diagnosis and exclusion are very important to prevent failure.Foreign attaches great importance to the early 20th century began research 60 years, some of the technology has been applied in practical engineering, fault diagnosis of equipment in China started relatively late. With the development of information technology, equipment, research and development of diagnostic applications are throughout the world. This makes formal knowledge of professional and technical personnel, technical personnel in general and the help of expert system technology to achieve close to the expert level. According to the complexity of computer failures, according to the basic principles of computer data structure, use of the fault tree data structures and relational database theory to complete the knowledge that the establishment of a knowledge base necessary to achieve a deterministic fault diagnosis knowledge base and inference engine. Computer Fault Diagnosis Expert System Development. The main computer system implements a fault diagnosis module, knowledge base maintenance modification module.
    Keywords expert system   fault diagnosis   fault tree   fault certainty uncertainty failure
    1    绪论1
    1.1  课题研究背景1
    1.2  国内外的发展及应用1
    1.3  课题研究的目的和意义2
    2  故障诊断专家系统分析和开发工具简介3
    2.1  计算机故障类型3
    2.2  专家系统知识库的表示3
    2.3  开发工具介绍3
    2.4  本章小结4
    3  故障诊断专家系统的原理5
    3.1  故障诊断的故障树依据的原理5
    3.2  故障诊断推理机机制的基本思想及诊断流程7
    3.3  本章小结12
    4  故障诊断专家系统的实现13
    4.1  系统的实现13
    4.2  故障诊断24
    4.3  本章小结26
    1  绪论
    1.1  课题研究背景
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