摘要早产儿脱离母体子宫后对周围环境适应能力变差,各项身体器官发育不成 熟。因此要为新生儿提供一个类似母体子宫的环境,有助于其生长发育。本课题 以新生儿水床为主要研究内容,首先进行了新生儿水床系统总体方案设计,然后 以新生儿水床系统的软件部分为研究重点。在基于微处理器 ARM、温度传感器 DS18B20、12v 水泵和加热棒的基础上设计了新生儿水床的温度检测系统和水床 振动系统的硬件电路和系统检测软件。82346

根据新生儿水床的功能要求,本课题采用温度传感器 DS18B20 来采集水箱的 温度,通过设计的人机交互界面来实时监控水箱的温度。当水箱温度高于我们的 设定值后,就会产生报警信号,同时控制加热器加热的继电器断开,停止加热, 这样可以使水箱的温度维持在相对恒定的温度范围内。水床的振动系统我们采用 了两个水泵,来分别控制水床的水的流向,这样就可以使水床里的水流动,从而 给婴儿起到按摩的作用。新生儿水床系统的软件部分主要是基于 Qt/Embedded 的 Qt Designer 工具开发了人机交互界面。

智能化早产儿水床的设计确保了医护人员能够实时监控水床温度监控,而且 可以为新生儿提供一个温度舒适的模拟子宫环境。本系统设计的早产儿水床性能 稳定、安全可靠、操作方便。


Abstract When preterm infants separated from the maternal uterine environment, the adaptive ability of preterm infants to the surrounding environment  becomes worse, and premature infant's body organ development is not mature。 So that we need to provide a similar neonatal maternal womb environment, contributing to its growth and development。 The mainly research content of this thesis is neonatal water bed, and finishes the total design of the neonatal water bed system。 The research priority is the software of neonatal water bed system。 The hardware circuit and the  detecting software system of neonatal water temperature detection system and water vibration system are designed based on the ARM microprocessor, temperature sensor DS18B20, 12V water pump and the heating rod based。

According to the functional requirements of the neonatal water bed, we use temperature sensor DS18B20 to collect the temperature of the water tank, through human-computer interaction interface monitor the temperature of the water tank  in real time。 When the temperature of the water tank is higher than our set value, the alarm signal is generated, the relay which is heated by the heating rod is not working and the heating is stopped。 so that the temperature of the water tank can be maintained in a relatively constant temperature range。 Waterbed vibration system, we use two water pump to control the flow of the water of water bed, so that you can make the water flow in the water bed, giving the baby to play the role of massage。 The software part of the system of neonatal waterbed is mainly based on Qt/Embedded Qt Designer development tool for the man-machine interface。

Intelligent premature water bed design to ensure that the medical staff to monitor the water bed temperature monitoring, but also can provide a comfortable temperature in simulated uterine environment for newborns。 The system design of the premature infant bed stable performance, safe and reliable, easy to operate。

Keywords: ARM-Linux; Qt/Embedded; DS18B20; mini2440

第一章 绪论 1

1。1 论文研究背景 1

1。2 嵌入式系统简介 2

1。2。1 嵌入式系统的基本概念 2













