摘要现如今,随着电动汽车相关产业的发展,而给供给电动汽车电能的系统,也跟随之 同步发展起来了。同时,由于不可再生能源的消耗量逐年增加,即将到来的能源危机的 形式,也迫使各个国更加地重视起了新能源的开发。发展有关于电动汽车的产业,不仅 可以缩短,我国和其他的发达的国家之间的差距,完成国内外汽车自主创新的目标,而 且还可以有效化地解决环境和能源,这个现如今是世界性共同难题的重要方法。想要使 电动汽车的越来越普及化,对于基础充电设施的研究设计,在现阶段而言,是尤其重要 和十分紧迫的事情。82347

充电桩是本论文所研究和设计的对象,而充电桩也作为电动汽车的充电根本设施的 一部分,在推动发展电动汽车的普遍化的意义上是不容小视的。本论文主要研究方向为 充电桩的主电路,其采用的是晶闸管变流电路,以及系统的控制和调节采用的是 C51 系 列单片机,以 15kW(34A/450V)充电桩为例进行了设计研究。

第一章是对电动汽车充电桩的研究背景入手,对研究对象有一个大致了解,更好的 进行功能设计;第二章是对充电桩三相桥式晶闸管变流主电路的设计,设计电路要满足 设计要求。还有对保护电路的设计,具体是对输入过压、短路、欠压过流保护、输出过 压以及报警功能的设计;第三章是对数字式电压和电流双闭环调节电路的研究设计,对 单片机为基础的直流双闭环进行设计,该设计是对主电路的控制调节。同时,本文在单 片机硬件和软件方向都有涉及,因此在第四五章主要内容是对单片机控制系统用微机原 理的内容进行硬件和软件编程。本文只是对充电桩设计的初步探讨,更深入的研究还需 要更加专业的人员投入更多的心血。


Abstract Now, with the development of electric vehicle related industries, and to the supply of electric vehicle power system, but also follow the development of the synchronous。 At the same time, as the consumption of non renewable energy increases each year, the coming energy crisis forms, it also forces the inpidual countries to pay more attention to the development of new energy sources。 The development of electric vehicle industry, can not only shorten, the gap between our country and other developed countries, the goal of the independent innovation of domestic and foreign automobile, but also can effectively solve environmental and energy。 This is now an important method of the common problems of the world。 Want to make electric cars more and more popular, for the research and design of charging facilities, in the present stage, is particularly important and very urgent thing。

Charging pile is the object of this thesis research and design, and charging pile also as a part of electric vehicle charging infrastructure, in promoting the development of electric vehicles in general can not be overlooked。 In this paper, the main research direction for the main circuit of the charging pile, its use is the thyristor variable current circuit, and system control and regulation of the is C51 series MCU 15kw (34A/450V) charging as an example, the design and research。

First chapter is the research background of electric vehicle charging pile of  have a general understanding, better design the function to the object of study; the second chapter is on the charging pile three-phase bridge thyristor tube converter main circuit design, circuit design to meet the design requirements。 And the design of protection circuit, in particular to input over-voltage, short circuit, under pressure over current protection, overvoltage output and alarm function design; the third chapter is the digital voltage and current double closed-loop control circuit design, microcontroller based DC double closed loop is designed。 The design is the main circuit control。 At the same time, this paper is involved in the hardware and software of SCM, so in the four or five chapter, the content of the microcomputer control system is used for the hardware and software programming。 This paper is only a preliminary

















