a  cable  is  。being wound  on  the  conventional  rise groov- ing system, the  cable  moves  through  the parallel section B, into the helical or cross-over section D, throu¡;h th• parallel section C, into  the  helical  or  cross-over section fl, and back through tire para11e1 section B。 In one com- p1。ate revolution of the drum, the cable is thus directed fi’om one parallel groove of that grooving IS into the next Succe••ding or adjacent parallel groove with a smooth and efficient conool of the cattle winding  operation。

ill Older tO yrO’fifie the conventional rise  grooving sys-   t»•m  on  the  outer  periphery  of  substantially  any   drum core, the parallcl  groo-red  Sleeve  or  “master  cylinder” 18

Of a  siZ+°  complementary  to  the drum  core  is  selected。 fi-s shown in FIGURE 4, th°=  sleeVe  18 is  cut  or  split in any  suitable  manner   (not  shown)   along  the longitudinally

60  extending  lines  indicated   at   2$,  26,   50  and   32。    The

SleeVe  10 is also cut or split along the canted  or  diagonal

lines indicated at 34 and 36。 In this manner,  the  cylin- drical sle•-r-  to is  pided  into several  segments, namely:

a Substantially semi-cylindrical portion 35, a substantially   wedge   shaped   portion   '40   adjacent   thereto,   a second Wedge-Shiiped portion 42, a second substantially semi- ylindrical portion 44, a third wedge-Shaped segment 46 Similar to the portion 40, and a fourth wedge-shaped seg- ment  43  similar  to  the portion  42。   It is preferable tbat

out  the  longitudinal  length  thereof,  as  clearly  sliown  in

to   the  portions

spaced  from

40   611d   42   be   substantially  diametrically

the  portions   46  and   ‹lfi,  as  indicated   in

'IGURES  1 Illtd  4。    The groove  13 may  be machined °* FIGUBE  1。

otherwise  provided  on  the  outer

10 in any conventional  manner,  such  is by  a lathe, niill- the

to  the  cutting  or  severing  of  the  segments from

cylinder  10, one  groox'•  58 of  the  ¡grooves 12

ing machine  or the like。

The parallel  yooved  sleeve thus

is cut J5  away  or  removed  between  the  lines  26  and  25。   Tte,

S, 1。 1O,O96

when the severed portions or segments are removed or separated,  as shown  in FIGUltE  2, the  segments  40  and

42 will be one groove shcrter than the remaining seg- ments。

The severed portions or s•gments may be remov•d or separated for re-assembly around the drum  core  to pro- vide the conventional rise yooving system thereon。 The semi-cylindrical portion 38 oiay be  bolted  or  welded to the outer periphery of the drtim core with one side thereof adjacent “tne flange 14。 The second wedge portion or segment 42 is disposed adjacent the section 35 wi"tn the cutting line o4 in abutment with the cutting line 26 where- by the right hand groove 52 thereof (FIGURE 5) is in alignment or communication with  the right  hand groove 54 of the section 35, as viewcd in the drawings。   The   first

















