-   wedge-shaped  segment  40  iz  then  disposed  on  the drum core adjacent 1*e segment 42 wi’tn the cutting  line 26   'in

:iI›utment with the  cutting= line 29。   The wedges  42  and

,    40 are position»•d in mui rat alignment and are then  welded or otherwise secured to the outer periphery of the drum core。

The second semi-circular segment 44 is then bolted or welded to tfi• periphery of the drum core in such a  man- O-•r that one Slde edge thereof is aadjacent  the  drum f1an;;e 16, as shown in FIGURE 5。 The fourth wedge- shayed segment 4II is then disposed  adjacent the  section 45 with the cutting edge 36 in abutment with the cutting edge 30 whereby the grooves will be in mutual  align- ment, and the third wedge-shaped segment 46 is disposed adjacent th•- wedge 48 whereby  the cutting  edge 38  will b•- in abutment with the cutting edge s2 of the wedge 48 arid the cutting edge 3$ will be in ab•atment with  to• cutting eclgc 32。 of th»• section 35。 The segments may all be bolted or ot1i•。rv/is•  secured  to the  core  of  the drum to prGvidc a continuous circumferential combined helical and parallel groove therearound in accordance with the conventional rise yooving system。 Of  course,  the usual en5 filler bars 22 and 2*。 are disposed between the respec- tive flanges lé and 14 and the segments disposed on the drum core to complete  the  preparation  of: the  drum for th• spooling operation。

Another type of counterbalanced cable spool  g;rooving is called alternate ris• grooving system, and is particularly depicted in FIGURES 8 through 11。 This type  of drum core yooving comprises a continuous  combined  helical and parallel groove on the outer periphery of the core similar to that in the conventional rise grooving system。 However,  the length GA the drum core between  the  drum

:f1anges with respect to th-• diametric size at the grooving is such that a fuil  number  of  grooves  may  t›e provided on the outer periphery  o1 the  core  between  the flanges。 O1 course, it is preferable to utilize tfie usual end  hller bars, such as shown at $0 and ti2 in FIGURE 9, :ind in or‹Ier to do tiiis, it is necessary to  eliminate  one  full yoove throup•hout a portion of the circumference o:I the drum  whereby  a  half-groove  spacing  may  be   provided

, adjacent  each  drum  flange  64  and  $6 for  receivinp• the end filler bars。 In order to provide the alternate rise g•rooving  system  on the outer p•。riphery  of  a drum core,




wedge-shaped segment 92。  The  severed  segments  may ibe separated and rearranged for disposition arOund the drum core to be provided with the alternate rise grooving system。

The first semi-cylindrical section 82 may be bolted or otbuerwis• secured to the outer periphery  of  the  drum core between the flanges 64 and 6$, as clearly shown in FIGURE 9。 be second  wedge-shaped  segment  86  is then di9 OSed adjacent the section 82 with the grooves in mutual alignment and in such a manner that the  le:f t hand groove S4 of the section 82 is open。 The first wedge- shaped segment 84 is then disposed  against  the segment 86 and in alignment therewith whereby the second semi- cylindrical portion 118 may be disposed on the drum core adjacent the wedge 84。 This combination provides a cross-over of one-half groove width between the first sec- tion 82 and the s。•cond section 88 as clearly shown tn FIGURE 9, and provides a half:-groove spacing adjacent each drum flange 64 and 66 for receiving  the respective end filler bars $11 and 62。

















