
BEC ¼ Le Bassin d’essais des care`nes, FranceBEM ¼  Boundary element model BSHC  ¼  Bulgarian Ship HydrodynamicCenter, Bulgaria CEHIPAR  ¼  Canal de ExperienciasHidrodinamicas, El Pardo, Spain CFD ¼ Computational fluid dynamics CMT  ¼  Circular motion testsCTO ¼ Ship Hydrodynamics Division, Centrum Techniki Okretowej, PolandDES ¼ Detached eddy simulations EFD  ¼  Experimental fluid dynamicsFORCE ¼ FORCE Technology, Denmark HSVA  ¼  Hamburgische Schiffbau-Versuchsanstalt GmbH, Germany

IHI ¼ Hokkaido University, Japan IIHR  ¼  Iowa Institute of HydraulicResearch, USAINSEAN ¼ Instituto Nazionale per Studi ed Esperienze di Architettura Navale, ItalyITTC ¼ International Towing Tank ConferenceLAMP ¼ Open source software stack (based on Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP)MARIN  ¼  Maritime Research InstituteNederlands, The Netherlands MMG  ¼  Mathematical Model Group(Japan)MOERI ¼ Maritime and Ocean Engineering Research Institute, Korea NMRI ¼ National Maritime Research Institute, JapanNSWC ¼ Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division, USA (formerly DTMB)PIV ¼ Particle-induced velocimetry PMM  ¼  Planar motion mechanismSAIC ¼ Science Aplications International Corporation, USASNU ¼ Seoul National University, Korea SVAP  ¼ Schiffbau-Versuchsanstalt PotsdamGmbH, Germany

(U)RANS  ¼ (Unsteady) Reynolds averagedNavier-Stokes calculations

stern frame lines。 The main particulars of the two hull ver- sions are given in Table 1。

KCS: The MOERI Container Ship KCS is a fairly modern (1997) container ship with bulbous bow and transom stern。 The main particulars of the KCS are given in Table 1。

5415: The DTMB 5415 was conceived as a preliminary design for a 1980 Navy surface combatant。 The hull geome- try includes both a sonar dome and transom stern。 Propulsion is provided through twin open-water propellers driven by shafts supported by struts。 The main particulars of the 5415 are given in Table 1。 Further details of all three models are given in Stern and Agdrup (2009)。

3。 Model tests

Models of the two KVLCC variants have been built first by MOERI in 1999 to the scale of 1:58。00 and tested in the PMM at MOERI。 In 2006 NMRI manufactured a set of models to the scale of 1:110。00 for CMT tests, and finally INSEAN built a set of models to the scale of 1:45。71 also in 2006。 The latter models have been tested in the PMM at INSEAN and then transported to HSVA, CTO, and MARIN for free model tests。

Table 1 Main particulars and test conditions of tankers KVLCC1 and KVLCC2, container ship KCS, and naval combatant 5415

A model of the KCS was first built by MOERI in 1999 to the scale of 1:31。60; however, the tests with this model were not part of the present workshop。 NMRI manufactured a model to the scale of 1:75。50 and conducted CMT tests in 2005。 The PMM tests at CEHIPAR and the free model tests at SVA and BSHC have been performed with the model built by SVA in 2006 to the scale of 1:52。67。

A model of the 5415 was built by MARIN in 2000 to the scale of 1:35。48 and used for free model tests。 This model was transported to FORCE for PMM tests later that year。 In 2004 the appendages were removed in order to perform bare hull PMM tests including uncertainty assessment at FORCE and later rotat- ing arm tests at BEC。 Bare hull PMM tests have also been performed at IIHR with a smaller model (1:46。59) including PIV and at INSEAN with a larger model (1:24。83)。 All bare hull tests have been carried out without rudders and propeller arrangement, but with bilge keels and a skeg of a somewhat different design than in the appended hull tests at MARIN and FORCE。


















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