An overview of all performed model tests is given in Table 2。 It should be noted that even with the extensive test campaign that has been performed including several overlapping test series, there are still unresolved issues with parts of the benchmark data。 For instance, some of the captive tests were carried out at condi- tions different to those of the free model tests in terms of RPM strategy, while some of the free model tests were done at nonstationary initial conditions or using a different helm rate than the nominal value。 These deviations are partly due to the fact that
some of the test series were performed before starting to plan the
Particulars KVLCC1, KVLCC2 KCS 5415
B (m) 58。0 32。2 19。1
T (m) 20。8 10。8 6。11
▽ (m3) 312738, 312622 52030 8355。35
S (m2) 27593, 27194 9530 3051。7
CB 0。8101, 0。8098 0。651 0。507
LCB (m) 11。14 —3。40 –0。68
dPROP (m) 9。86 7。90 6。15
ARUD (m2) 136。7 54。5 15。4
Test Conditions
GMT (m) 5。71 0。60 1。95
izz (m) 80 57。5 35。5
U0 (kn) (Fn) 15。5 (0。14) 24。0 (0。26) 30 (0。413)
Helm rate (deg/s) 2。32 2。32 9。0
workshop around 2003 to 2005。 This has made the evaluation of the comparisons difficult in some cases。
2008年四月丹麦哥本哈根成立SIMMAN2008工作小组。这个工作小组的是以不同船舶为基准通过系统的定量的方法比较验证,其中包括对以工艺流程图为数据油轮(KVLCC)、集装箱船(KCS),和水面战斗艇(5415)船型试验的机动仿真方法的以系统和CFD为基础的方法。对于KVLCC的测试用例,包括KVLCC1和KVLCC2的双艉型变形提供不同的不稳定循环。免费测试数据与系统方法和CFD相比更明确的描述自由动作。一些以系统为基础的方法被用来提供PMM和CMT的数据和两种使用CFD的数据。模拟强迫运动运用基于CFD的方法,这与PMM / CMT模型试验数据相比较。除非模拟方法中需要输入数据,在没有提供基准模型试验数据之前提交报告是轻率的。自由机动仿真总共有64份意见书,其中包括在当今使用的最先进最广泛的的方法:如PMM和CMT法、近代流体力学基础理论方法、系统辨识、神经网络工具和各种经方法。对于强迫运动模拟共有16份提交报告,其中包括不同的CFD为基础的方法如RANS、DES和URANS。本文给出了一个比概述的船体、模型测试、测试用例、提交的比较结果更重要的观察和结论。