Fig. 5. SmartSite platform influencing the entire supply chain in asphalt road construction. 

develop new methods to integrate quality-related data into the ma- chine control, specifically in this article for the asphalt compactors.

The construction process control is supplied directly with real-time data from the construction site. The monitoring of the process execution as well as the visualization is achieved via smart phones and smart tablets — the future working devices of the machine operators and of the site manager.

Fig. 6 shows the different aspects of the construction process monitoring and control developed and used in SmartSite. While the state-of-the-art desktop BIM applications will still be available and used – especially in the pre-construction planning phase – the monitor- ing during the construction phase will be shifted to mobile devices, car- ried out by the human actors on site. The construction machines on site will be tracked via high precision GPS. The positioning system used in SmartSite is TOPCON's proprietary mmGPS P63. The system uses GNSS with a position accuracy of 10–20 mm and a PZL-1 zone laser transmit- ter for a height accuracy of 2–3 mm. Each inpidual compactor has a PZS-MC laser receiver and a GX-60 control box installed.

Further sensory data will be collected by both the machines and additional sensor clusters like a weather station. The sensors on the in- pidual machines allow for the collection of various data like current asphalt temperature and stiffness as well as data on the operation of the machines themselves. Interfaces linking off- or onsite office data with the outdoor construction field allow real-time data collection and control via a central access point. Performing some semantic

enrichment like mapping the asphalt layer related data to a digital map of the construction site becomes possible. Schedule and cost prog- ress reports and automatic billing becomes feasible, among many other benefits to several stakeholders involved in the asphalt road construc- tion process. Table 2 displays some of the main innovations introduced by SmartSite research project and how they pertain to autonomy.

The following specific equipment, machine, and plant innovations will  be made through  a successful  SmartSite project:

Plants: Current asphalt plants are not sufficiently integrated into road construction information systems. The delivery schedule is typically predetermined with preset total volumes per day. As such the batch plant becomes a bottleneck in the optimization of the construction site as a whole since deliveries cannot be adjusted based on as-built information. Furthermore, data transfer often still relies on outdated methods such as E-mail and fax for orders and physical bills of deliv- ery. SmartSite features fully integrated batch plants. This not only drastically reduces the time spent at the plant for each truck but also allows for dynamic adjustment of delivery times. By utilizing live ve- hicle tracking the pending arrival of a truck can be transmitted to the batch plant well in advance.


















