426 0。0659 8。8 149 。0 0。25 12。3 180 33 1。69

43 424 0。0849 10。6 204 。1 0。31 13。6 171 35 1。66

44 416 0。0781 7。7 169 。2 0。31 13。3 186 31 1。71

Figu re 4。  Soot consum ption rat e vs temperatur  e。

As a first step for th e ana lysis an d un derstan ding of th e expe rimenta l results, it is reasona ble to assum e that th e followi ng genera l soot oxidat ion reactions prevail un der real-world conditions:

C + R1O2 f 2(R1 - 0。5)CO2 + 2(1 - R1)CO (1)

C + R2 NO2 f R2 NO + (2 - R2)CO + (R2 - 1)CO2


where R1 an d R2 ar e indexes of th e completeness of th e reactions,20 chara cterizing th e selectivity towar d CO or CO2 production。

The direct reaction with O2 is ment ioned  here only for reasons of completenessbe cau se it is un likely to be significant at temperatur es below 450 °C, which is th e case in all of our measur ement s。 Therefore, an y soot consum ption will occur from reaction with NO2。 By measur ement of th e exhau st flow rat e m˘ g, th e CO an d NO production in th e filter, it is possible to calculat e R2 of reaction (2) as well as th e app ar ent rat e of soot consum ption by  NO2  as below。

From th e stoichiometr y of reaction  (2):


R2 ) 21 + ∆(NO)/∆(CO) (3)

The value of R2 for all measur ement point s is prese nt ed in Table 4。 When th e low-temperatur e conditions  (<280

°C) associat ed with negligible  reactivity ar e excluded, th e index R2 genera lly ran ges betwee n 1。65 an d 1。75。 From th e stoichiometr y of reaction (2), th e rat io of CO: CO2 in th e products will ran ge from 1:1。85 to 1:3。 No systemat ic depe ndence on temperatur e or oth er condi- tions could be foun d from our  data 。

From th e ma ss balance of reaction (2), th e app ar ent rat e of soot consum ption by NO2 in kilogram s per second will be

As expected, th ere is an increasing tr end of th e reaction rat e with temperatur e。 The reaction rat es ar e, in genera l, in th e sam e order of ma gnitu de with th e engine-out soot emission rat es。 The significant scatt er- ing of th e data aroun d th e tr endline is expected if one tak es into account th e lar ge difference of operat ing conditions in each mode, as shown in Table 4。 In oth er words, th e app ar ent reaction rat e is, th erefore, not a single function of temperatur e only but  is  likely  to depe nd on th e NO2 concentrat ion, flow rat e, an d filter soot loading。

It could be possible to obta in a complex app ar ent-rat e exp ressi on that could fit th e expe rimenta lly obse rved reaction rat es as a function of all of th e above-mentioned param eters。 Such an app roach might be mean ingful for th e description of th e reaction process in th e specific engine-filter configurat ion but could be of litt le help towar d un derstan ding th e reaction phenomena an d applying th e  res ults in a  different configurat ion。

















