毕业论文关键词 环境行政 不作为 法律规制
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title The legal regulating of the theory of environmental administrative omission
Abstract With the increase of countries to protect the environment, environmental administrative omission has become the focus of the society。 Environmental administrative omission in the form of its hidden let environmental regulatory authority and responsibility of the administrative subject in the environment, not only damage the interests of the relative person's legitimate rights and interests and public environment, but also damage the credibility and authority of environmental administrative subject, make local and departmental protectionism flooding led to high compliance costs, passive situation of the illegal cost is low。 This article in view of the environmental administrative omission of regulation and the lack of relief system, put forward to perfect the environmental administrative omission prior legal norms, improve the system of judicial review of afterwards relief and administrative compensation system, strengthen environmental management methods of the internal and external supervision mechanism, to improve our country's environmental administrative omission of regulation and relief for advice。源-于,优Z尔%论^文.网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ752018~766
Keywords environmental administrative;negative act;legal regulation
目 次
1 引言1
2 环境行政不作为概述2
2。1 环境行政不作为的含义2
2。2 环境行政不作为的构成要件2
2。3 环境行政不作为的表现4From+优!尔.YouErw.com 加QQ75201`8766
2。4 环境行政不作为的危害5
3 环境行政不作为的成因7
3。1 环境行政主体权责不明确7
3。2 环境行政程序规定不完善7
3。3 环境行政不作为的责任追究制度不完善8
3。4 环境监督救济制度有缺失8
4 规制环境行政不作为的对策建议10
4。1 明确环境行政不作为主体的权责10
4。2 完善环境行政程序的规定10
4。3 严格环境行政不作为的责任追究制度11
4。4 健全环境行政不作为的监督机制12
结 论15
致 谢16
参 考 文 献17
1 引言