摘要:在推进城镇化的新时期,社会各界不断把焦点放到土地问题这个难题上。然而,现阶段我国社会的经济依旧受到了城镇建设用地不足而造成的一定程度威胁,特别是我国农村存在的土地利用的低效率、细碎化。为解决这一问题,于是“宅基地换房”这项新制度应运而生,社会各界又再一次将目光放到农户权益的保护上。随着各类有关失地农民文权的报道事件不断涌现,探讨如何改善宅基地换房现状、加强宅基地换房中农民权益的保护成为了新阶段的重点。文章通过梳理宅基地换房开展后政府发布的政策性文件。以及在现实中,列举普遍存在的农民受到公权侵害的现状,利用相关理论结合分析农户在换房过程中权利受损的原因,并针对不同群体提出有助于改善社会现状的建议。34942 毕业论文关键词:宅基地换房;农民土地权益;城镇化;土地问题
Research on the issue of farmers' rights and interests in the rural homestead replacement
Abstract:In the new era of urbanization, the community is focusing on the issue of land. However, in the present stage our social economy is still lacking of urban construction land which causes a certain degree of threaten, especially the existence of the low efficiency of land usage in rural areas in China, finely. In order to solve the problem, the new system of "homestead" was created, and the community once again set eyes on the protection of farmers' rights. With all kinds of reports of land-lost farmers' rights event constantly emerging, discussing how to change the present situation of homestead replacement, strengthening farmers' rights and interests protection in land change rooms became the focus of the new stage. This article will review the policy documents issued by the government after the transfer of the homestead. Listing the prevalence of public rights violations which harm the rights and interests of the farmers in social reality. Besides, essay uses relevant theories combining with the analysis of causes of farmers' rights in the process of homestead replacement which can help to improve the social situation are put forward based on different groups.
Key words: homestead replacement; farmers' rights and interests; urbanization; land issue
目 录
摘要 1
关键词 1
Abstract 1
Key words 1
引言 1
一、宅基地换房的内涵及理论 2
(一)相关概念界定 2
1.宅基地使用权的内涵 2
2.宅基地换房的内涵 2
(二)宅基地换房的理论应用 3
1.土地级差收益理论 3
2.资源配置优化理论 3
3.利益平衡理论 3
二、宅基地换房的实践情况与实例分析 4
(一)宅基地换房制度政策依据 4
(二)宅基地换房制度实践情况 4
1.天津市华明镇模式的现状 4
2.天津华明镇换房模式简析 4
三、宅基地换房中农民权益保障现状及分析 5
(一)农民受到强迫进行土地流转 5
(二)换房办法存在争议 5
(三)土地增值收益分配不合理 6
(四)社会保障制度不够完善 6
1.农民住房权保障力度不够 6
2.农民发展权保障力度不足 6
四、农民在换房过程中权益受损的原因及对策 7
(一)原因分析 7
1.新制度的法律法规不够完善 7