摘 要:农村宅基地使用权制度的完善对其流转有着极其重要的现实意义。宅基地使用权有其主体、客体的特殊性,内容的特定性、取得的无偿性、使用的无期限性、处分的附随性等基本特征。伴随着城镇化的发展,农村出现了大量宅基地闲置、“空心村”、“一户多宅”的现象。我国法律对宅基地使用权采取限制流转的政策,但在利益驱使下,地下买卖盛行,形成了巨大的“隐形市场”。伴随着城乡经济的稳步发展,严格限制其流转的制度规定与现实之间的冲突也日趋凸显。加快宅基地使用权产权登记,合理规划农村宅基地使用范围,建立有偿和有期限的退出制度势在必行。40201 毕业论文关键词:宅基地使用权;流转;产权登记
The Study on Legal issues of Transferring the Right to Use Homestead
Abstract: The perfection of the system of housing land use right of its circulation has extremely important practical significance. The particularity of housing land use right has its subject, object, content of specificity, get free sex, use indefinitely, dispose of the attached along with the gender characteristics.Our law takes restricted policy about the circulation of use right of homestead, but there is a tremendous invisible market with the compellation of benefit.With the steady development of urban and rural economy, the transferred regulation of limiting use right of homestead exists conflict with realistic situations. Therefore, consummate registration of property rights about the use right of homestead, layout use range of homestead in village, establish effective retreat and the seceding regulation of compensation and terminability will be imperative.
key words: use right of homestead; transfer; the registration of property right
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