[毕业论文关键词]随迁子女、入学障碍 、政策改进
Study on the entrance problem and strategy of the trailing children of Jiangsu Province
[Abstract] At present, a lot of work trailing children follow their parents came to the city to go to school, because of various differences, trailing their children go to school in defined become a difficult problem. Main problem is accepted, stability, enters a higher school, pay cost. In the face of difficulties, trailing their children to school and countermeasures to resolve the problem of study becomes especially important. Protect the rights of trailing in jiangsu province of their children in let every trailing children access to public schools in jiangsu province, became the migrant workers and trailing the urgent needs of the children. So both national and local government and society should be unity cooperation, solve the trailing their children to school difficult problem.
[Key words] Trailing children , Entrance barrier , Policy improvement
(三) 区别对待政策引起非议..2
致 谢..9
随着城镇化的飞速发展,大量农村劳动力逐渐涌入城市。外来务工人员们不仅仅是为了获得更好的生活而努力工作,他们孩子的上学问题才是他们最为看重的事情。虽然,随迁子女和所有的子女一样享受我国的义务教育,但是出于政策和实际方方面面的情况,随迁子女并没有和城里的子女一样获得平等的受教育权。从农村到城市上学,改变的不单单是环境而已,整个的学习氛围、生活方式、与人交往等各方面都会有很大的差异。随迁子女最大的心愿莫过于和城里的孩子一样上学受到相同的待遇并很好地融入城市。江苏省作为经济大省,每年来江苏的外来务工人员将近300万。蜂拥而至的不仅有外来务工人员还有他们的孩子,随迁子女人数之庞大使得随迁子女的入学问题成为社会一大讨论热点。“目前,我省进城务工人员随迁子女在流入地接受义务教育总数为824908人,其中在小学就读为632267人,在初中就读为192641人(外省在江苏就读小学为329140人,初中为86322人);在公办学校就读人数为706802人”[ ]。所以充分认识到目前存在的问题和矛盾,分析出内在原因并且给解决随迁子女的入学难题提供建议尤为重要。