    Small property right trading reason analysis and countermeasure
    Abstract: "the small property right" is China's urban-rural dual land system of a kind of special product, the right to "a small room" spread quickly in recent years, many social and economic problem, is on the management and guidance. From the perspective of the literature research can deepen the "small property right" problems, causes and countermeasures of cognition. With a review of the literature and discuss the meaning of the "small property right", summarizes the problems existing in the "small property right", from the perspective of supply and demand combed the factor in "small property right", and discussed the government solve the problem of "small property right" ideas and main way, helps to form the consensus of "small property right" countermeasure research foundation, which in turn will help to formulate effective policies and measures.
    Key words: "small property right", problems, causes and countermeasures, the research reviewed in this paper
    摘要    1
    Abstract    2
    1  绪论    3
    1.1  选题的目的、意义和研究现状    3
    1.2  研究方法及预期结果    4
    2  小产权房问题研究    5
    2.1  小产权房定义    5
    2.2  小产权房的特征    5
    2.3  小产权房的成因    7
    2.4  小产权房的迅猛发展    9
     2.5  小产权房的利弊    10
    3  “小产权房”火热交易的原因    12
    3.1  售价相对较低    12
    3.2  城乡二元结构形态下的二元土地制度    13
    4  “小产权房”持有者的动机研究 15
    4.1  研究假设与实证设计...15
    4.2  实证过程与分析...17
    5  小产权房与集体土地利益归属讨论. 24
    5.1  小产权房与农村集体土地上权利体系    24
    5.2  农村集体土地流转限制法律规律的废止    27
     5.3  小产权房及集体土地利益的归属.34
    6  “小产权房”火热交易的对策...39
    6.1  遏制不合法的“小产权房”交易.. 39
    6.2  解决小产权房问题的建议...42
    7  结论和展望    45
    参考文献    46
    致谢    47
    1  绪论

    1.1  选题的目的、意义和研究现状

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