    毕业论文关键词: 地铁车站;基坑;围护结构;支撑系统;地下连续墙
    Design of Shanghai Metro Guoquan Road Station Foundation Pit Enclosure Structure
    Abstract: With the rapid economic development, accelerate the pace of urbanization, and constantly improve the urban construction, renovation and development of large underground space has become an inevitable trend of modern urban construction. Since the 1990s, the design theory and construction technology of excavation has been more mature, which emerged a large number of excavation method hydrogeological conditions in line with our actual projects. It is in this context that this task is to design a station for Shanghai urban rail transit design and research foundation conducted envelope and related design calculations. The main topic around Shanghai metro Guoquan road station foundation pit design, based on engineering geological conditions and hydrogeological environmental conditions surrounding the pit, supporting scheme comparison and selection, and ultimately determine the envelope using underground continuous wall, support system of steel supports, and the overall stability of foundation, overturning stability, against basal heave stability and anti-seepage stability computations, with Venus software support structure for the calculation of internal forces, complete building envelope calculation of internal forces and reinforcement. Then support the design, pit deformation estimate, excavation soil reinforcement design, foundation pit precipitation design and waterproof design.
    Keywords: metro; foundation pit engineering; underground continuous wall; steel support; underground continuous wall
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    本课题的意义    1
    1.2    本课题在国内外的发展概况    1
    2    工程概况    4
    2.1    工程概况    4
    2.2    水文地质工程地质条件    6
    2.2.1    水文地质条件    6
    2.2.2    工程地质层分布与特征描述    6
    2.3    安全等级    8
    2.3.1    基坑工程安全等级    8
    2.3.2    支护结构安全等级    8
    3    支护方案的选择及比较    10
    3.1    围护结构的选择及比较    10
    3.1.1    基坑围护结构概述    10
    3.1.2    基坑围护结构方案比较及选择    12
    3.2    基坑支撑结构体系的选择及比较    13
    3.3    13
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