




    毕业论文关键词:纵断面;横断面; 路基; 路面 

    Abstract The design for the preliminary design of the Huai River Shanghai-Nanjing expressway. The main design content includes: (1) route design: the plane curve design, vertical section design, cross section design. (2) design of subgrade and pavement

    This road is 3265.975 meters in length, the highway grade highway, the design life of 15 years, the design speed of 120km\/h, lane width of 39 metres, subgrade width of 42 meters, a central separate belt.

    Mainly in the completion of the task of design are as follows:

    Firstly, compare and select the route plan, in two lines from linear, low cost route, and then determine the road grade and technical standards, in the plane alignment design, determine the 2 point, the horizontal curve radius of 600 meters. Vertical curve of a total of 2 slope changing points. Longitudinal slope of 1.574%. In determining the height of each point of the road center line, route vertical section design. Longitudinal section design is mainly based on the requirements of the road drainage and maximum, minimum longitudinal slope and slope length requirements for pulling slope design and vertical curve essential factor computation. Finally, according to the subgrade drainage design, route superelevation calculation and drawing section. The calculated earthwork excavation quantity by the cross-sectional design, for the earth-rock work allocation of each segment. The highway alignment is beautiful, comfortable driving.

    Keywords: longitudinal section; cross section; subgrade; pavement


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 公路建设的意义 1

    1.1.1 概况 1

    1.1.2 地质资料 1

    1.1.3 地震基本烈度 1

    第二章  路线设计和计算 2

    2.1 选线 2

    2.1.1 平原微丘地区选线原则 2

    2.1.2 以平面为主安排路线 2

    2.1.3 线形与技术标准 2

    2.1.4 处理好与农业的关系 2

    2.1.5 路线与城镇的联系 3

    2.1.6 路线与桥涵的配合 3

    2.1.7 注意土壤水文条件 3

    2.1.8 充分利用旧路 3

    2.1.9 注意路基取土和就地取材 3

    2.1.10 平原高速公路选线依据

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