Drawings include (1) design and construction instructions (2), main equipment materials list (3), system diagrams, floor plans, etc。。

Remarks: drawings shall be drawn by computer, and legend and drawing methods shall be drawn up according to relevant state drawing standards。

1。 major tasks

In accordance with the construction materials given, the following steps are required in accordance with the requirements of the task:

(1 load calculation: as the basic work of the following selection, fan selection, air conditioning box selection, etc。, the first step is to make a reasonable analysis of each room and calculate their load。 This design uses the Hongye software to each layer, and each room building calculation environment。

(2 air conditioning equipment type selection: mainly two parts, the first part is based on the results of the calculation of fan selection, which must have an accurate air volume control, the second part is the selection of air conditioning box calculation。

Selection process, each building, each room has its unique environment and use, we should choose according to local conditions, the most important thing is to consider their reasonable feasibility and economy。

(3 hydraulic calculation of air conditioning air system: this section asks us to have a clear understanding and calculation of the most disadvantageous pipeline of the system

(5 drawing and editing drawings, mainly using CAD drawing software。

2。 summary of content

Design of 2。1。 air conditioning system

The design uses a full air handling system, the specific circumstances are as follows:

(1) air handling system in a commercial area:

Using a single set of all air air conditioning system low food supermarkets, shopping malls, restaurants and other large space area。

Small space rooms such as beauty salons, coffee shops and small restaurants are equipped with fan coil units and independent fresh air system。

(2) air handling system in office area

Using a single set of all air air conditioning system of large space low hall area, and around the glass curtain wall with ground blast system。

The other area uses a full air variable air volume system。

2。2 design of mechanical ventilation system

1 air conditioning systems are equipped with mechanical exhaust system, the system uses the CO2 concentration sensor control the quantity of fresh air and the transition season winger car system, the exhaust system was set up by the variable frequency speed regulating device, pressure difference or fresh air to control the exhaust volume change。

2。 the mechanical ventilation system is set up in the underground garage with 6 times of ventilation and ventilation。 The air supply is natural or mechanical。

3。, the general equipment room centralized set mechanical ventilation system, ventilation times 5 times / hour。

4。, the toilet set up mechanical exhaust system, exhaust air volume by 15 times / hour, through the shaft from the roof fan unified emissions。

5。 the power supply and exhaust system or air conditioning unit shall be installed on the basis of the heat dissipation of the unit。

6。, the elevator room is equipped with mechanical exhaust system, exhaust ventilation 15 times / hour。

7。, the garbage room is equipped with mechanical exhaust system, the number of ventilation and ventilation 15 times / hour。

8。 gas boiler room, generator room and unit heat dissipation and combustion required air volume, etc。 according to setting up ventilation system, gas boiler room are equipped with 

independent mechanical ventilation system。

9 gas boiler room ventilation to ensure the normal work of the ventilation of more than 12 times per hour, and the addition of a blower to ensure positive pressure required for combustion。

















