摘 要:房地产市场调查是指运用科学的方法,有目的、有计划、系统地判断、收集、记录、整理、分析、研究房地产市场过去及各种基本状况及其影响因素,并得出结论的活动与过程,其目的是为房地产经营者预测其未来发展并为制定正确的决策提供可靠依据。本项目位于南京市河西新城南部鱼嘴板块,区域发展空间很大,本报告通过对项目地块的开发经营环境的市场调查分析,周边主要同类竞争物业的比较后,以及淮安市目前市场状况和未来的预测,对本项目的开发可能性与开发经营策划提出初步意见。该项目定位为高档住宅,均价29000元/㎡。经过初步分析可以看出该项目在社会效益和经济效益层面具有可行性。78982
Abstract:The real estate market survey refers to the use of scientific methods, objectives, planning, system to determine, collect, record, collate, analyze, study the real estate market in the past and present a variety of basic conditions and its influencing factors, and draw conclusions of the activities and processes, the purpose is to provide a reliable basis for the real estate business operators to predict their future development and to develop the right decisions。This project is located in the south of nanjing hexi new city fish mouth plate, the geographical position is superior, the area has good prospects for development。This report through the development and operation of the project plots of the market analysis, and the comparison of the surrounding major similar competitive properties, and the current market situation and the future of Nanjing City, the development of the project and the development of business planning and management plan。 The project is positioned as a high-end residential, the average price of 29000 yuan / square meters。 After a preliminary analysis shows that the project in the aspect of social benefit and economic benefit are feasible。
Keywords: market survey,development and management,urban development
目 录
1 设计选题说明 4
1。1 选题依据 4
1。2 设计项目概况 4
1。3 设计目的和要求 5
1。4 数据资料选取 5
1。5 设计重点和难点 6
1。6 设计实现可能性分析 6
2 设计依据 6
2。1 理论与方法 6
2。2 规范和标准 9
2。3 参考文献选用 9
3 设计的技术路线 10
3。1 主要方法 10
3。2 数据的处理 11
3。3 计算过程 11
4 设计成果分析 13
4。1 设计结论分析 13
4。2 设计可行性分析 13
5 设计的价值 14
5。1 对专业学习的作用 14
5。2 对今后工作的作用 14
结论 16